Friday 20 April 2018

When you are fighting with A Monster disease

When you are fighting with A Monster disease much stronger than anything else in this world, and believe, ALWAYS THERE IS HOPE for All of Us I have no idea, how I am going to survive and if I'll survive,  I've decided to make the biggest decision in life. 
Staying cautious and not doing anything which is too hard or compromises all efforts I have made until now.When I could not break away a set of habits or circumstances, I say this to myself:Photo
Are you attached to a piece of elastic? The further you go - or try to go - the harder it becomes for you to get anywhere. It seems as if something (or someone) wants to pull you back and keep you under close control. Break the pattern and move on.In some ways, you find this comforting. It is always nice to be wanted, noticed and needed. Yet it is not so nice to feel stifled and suppressed. Either the elastic has to stretch further in order to allow you more room to move - or it has to break. Photo

"Love is tremendously beautiful but also tremendously changing. Sentiments are not stones, they are like rose flowers."Photo

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