Friday 31 August 2018

You must learn how to wait without accelerating time.  You must wait patiently for events to occur until the exact moment for acting has come. Your wait will be useful for relaxation and collecting together your strength.Photo


   If  you are very determined,  can overcome all difficulties and make changes to lead to increase happiness. Be compassionate feel connectivity with rest of world.Photo
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Thursday 30 August 2018

 Learn to express yourself, you'll have to prepare and plan all your duties and try to be super organized. You can find a harmonious way, even if this in in the distant future.You'll have all you need in order to enjoy and build on the quality of your life; don't change anything and stop being inconstant.Photo

It is not worth trying to harmonize things. Let your beloved realize you have other interests people or situations which are simply not compatible. Remember everyone has different personalities and it's important you maintain yours. You must maintain what you have built, everything changes and so it'll be necessary to be careful that you don't lose everything.A satisfying phase and things will go remarkably well. You'll be able to reinvigorate and strengthen your relationship confiding your concerns and secrets. Everything is going well.Photo

Wednesday 29 August 2018

 Do things your way. You'll be able to clear up a misunderstanding and find complicity and a new way of facing life together in a responsible way. As your intuition will guidePhoto

Tuesday 28 August 2018

 You could be feeling especially daring. You might be tempted to make some radical changes in your life, particularly where your heart is concerned. You could decide to make your living in an offbeat way, or possibly move to a place you've never considered before. Think about it for a few days. The impetus might pass. If it doesn't, then follow your heart.

Don't give up, even if something is worrying you. Make the most of what is available to you, transform every difficulty into stimulus so that you can go ahead. Have faith in god and destiny which has capability to change bad into good. Luck is for bravest!

All will be revealed in time

"All will be revealed in time,"  How we handle this disease is as much mental attitude I think as chemicals so don't worry about the end today! we all react different, our bodies are different. This is a journey none of us chose. Some days we walk with great strength and other days we feel downtrodden and weakened. How we travel the path is up to us. Surround yourself with supportive family and friends. Do what pleases our heart and learn the valuable lessons this journey has to offer: each day is a blessing, we are loved, there is goodness and compassion in our lives.My doctor told me at the time that the only survival statistic that mattered was my own and that he had seen some women cured, even at IIIC.I am going to continue to live my life like I will be around to live it!My body needs to know I need him! Remember everone is different!Enjoy what you have. Don't spend a second worrying about what might happen.  We are just trying to keep the cancer stable now. No two people react exactly the same. Just try to let it go and hope you are one of the lucky ones that survive.Take it a day at a time, an hour at a time. You will make it.I found an inner strength and summoned the courage to recreate my life from the rubble. Being diagnosed with cancer shaped me into the person I am today. I developed the ability to bounce back, navigate unwelcome changes, and embrace new opportunities.


We’ve learned to live one day at a time, but must admit that tears are shed intermittently. Every time  with new occurrence, but I try to focus on the beautiful gifts, as our grandchildren, the ability to walk the beach, or watch the baby hummingbirds in our  People handle stress and fear differently.  I love my garden.  I love to walk when possible.
Some friends are nowhere to be found. Everyone deals with it differentlySometimes being around others going through the same thing and knowing what you are feeling is not unusual or unique is helpful. I had been to Bombay and Delhi a trip to enjoy whatever is possible despite ugly cancer.