Tuesday, 15 April 2014

Mental-health is most important for a person. Adults with mental illness can experience a great deal of stress as their rights and ability to make their own decisions come into conflict with the well-intentional attempts of those who love them to protect them for themselves. The conflicts,and erratic behaviour is result of mental illness and can drive a wedge between individuals and their families an estimate explains that 50% or more of individuals with mental illness do not have contact with their families.
 Families are created for a specific reason as most people fulfil a number of significant social roles at the same time you are a friend/son/uncle or a partner to another. Such soles gives us meaning and purpose in our life,such relations are focus of  strong commitments and often provide resources for coping with daily troubles and life-stressors. The sense of belonging,personal well-being and validation that stems from these roles is an important part of everyone's mental health. We love and wanted to be loved be it a family,friendship or social circle.
 In our relationships it applies  when we are dealing different persons in a group like within a family-every person has different nature so one must consider different  ideas and expectations. Recognition and compassion is demand of every member. Competition within family members is most sensitive specially between children or spouse. Competition must be healthy or it may wreck  havoc within relationship. Compassion is opposite of competition. Competition  encourages self-centeredness.
 Compassion is the skill or ability to accurately experience the thoughts and feelings of another and the desire to help other in distress,complaints leads to deterioration of a relationship. Though true complaints  where both parties listen to each other - talk about and apply solutions  energies us and strengthen the relations. Competition emphasizes our goals and enhance our skills often to the detriment of our significant relationships.
 Avoiding all pretensions remember that you obtain best result by joining with people who share your interests and aspirations.You feel better when you help others but you must respect fundamental rules,in your relations which establish the different roles people have. Remember that in a group one must consider different roles and ideas and expectations.
 So try to strengthen those relationships finding a balance between self-determination of rights of individuals and concerns of family members. Everybody needs support from  their families and the ability to reciprocate and be a support to other family members,the thing that makes a family work is how its members care for and treat each other, transparent  communication,care,sharing responsibilities,commitments and spiritual pursuits.
 Respect each other, speak kindly and treat each other how you would want to be treated. Do not take things  for granted. Watch what you do specially pertaining double standards. Children will learn from your example,not what you  tell them. You also lose the respect of your partner if you do not practice what you preach. Encourage open discussion in your relationship,talk the issue and work out the solutions together. Know your limits when having an argument or heated discussion,take a break this prevents frustrations and regrets later on. Never go to bed angry.
 Show support for each other and be positive in your encouragement. Help one another to succeed. Engage in consistent activities you do as a family. Start a family tradition  that family members can look forward to.Give tender loving care to each other. Never give up on loved ones. Re-framing feelings about family. 

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