Sunday 6 April 2014

The world is full of people who are trying to convince others to buy their goods, or buy in to their beliefs. That may be a little irritating but at least we are used to this. It's 'the way it is'. We don't have to pay it any attention, if we don't want to. A far more insidious problem comes not so much from those who are trying to steer us... but from the cajoling voices that emanate from within our own minds. Remember, if something is right, you will slowly, naturally, start to see why it is right. You need not talk yourself into it. For-You don't know what's really going on. All you can see is what seems to be happening. That's not the same thing. Situations you see as undesirable are actually deeply beneficial. Problems you fear you may never solve are hardly problems at all. You're strong in areas where you imagine you are weak. Yet the reverse is not true. You are more influential than you think. Don't dwell on a source of disappointment. Use your ability to see the best in people and situations... and the best is what will transpire. You are worthy child of god!

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