Tuesday 26 June 2018

It is better to take refuge in the Lord, than to trust in man.

Listen to your body and advocate on your behalf based on your personal preferences. Find providers that support your wishes and respect your choices.I only complain out loud if one of my ailments is acting up and thus preventing me from doing something I would otherwise be happy to do. There is a difference between seeking sympathy and seeking love and support. You don’t need to tell me how sorry you are that I have this condition or that, just tell me that you have my back, no matter what. Don’t tell me you will pray for me if it is only words, quickly forgotten as you leave my presence and get back to your daily routine. Prayers are always welcome. False pretenses are not. I don’t know if people just do not wish to face their own mortality, even though it is inevitable, or if they just do not know what to say to someone thus afflicted. Photo
I have found that some people still think that I am on borrowed time. As we all know, we move forward being cautiously optimistic, yet realistic, about what may come next. I continue to work.We are no longer the same, yet we are still here, playing our parts in this play, which will someday end. I no longer count on man for comfort. I have learned people will not change their personalities or improve their character because I am (or was) sick. I have found that people will abandon you, fearing the painful scenario that may become our future, and not wishing to witness it first-hand. I have learned that the people I can truly count on are very limited. But though my faith in mankind has deteriorated, my faith in God has not. I remain at peace, though admittedly often disappointed, in my fellow man.
This is not mine but every one who is suffering from deadly disease .......would have same feelings...... exactly how things happen. 

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