Friday, 30 March 2018

तत्व ज्ञान


एक बार की बात है एक बहुत ही पुण्य व्यक्ति अपने परिवार सहित तीर्थ के लिए निकला.. कई कोस दूर जाने के बाद पूरे परिवार को प्यास लगने लगी , ज्येष्ठ का महीना था , आस पास कहीं पानी नहीं दिखाई पड़ रहा था. उसके बच्चे प्यास से ब्याकुल होने लगे..समझ नहीं आ रहा था कि वो क्या करे...अपने साथ लेकर चलने वाला पानी भी समाप्त हो चुका था.
एक समय ऐसा आया कि उसे भगवान से प्रार्थना करनी पड़ी कि हे प्रभु अब आप ही कुछ करो मालिक... इतने में उसे कुछ दूर पर एक साधू तप करता हुआ नजर आया. व्यक्ति ने उस साधू से जाकर अपनी समस्या बताई...साधू बोले की यहाँ से एक कोस दूर उत्तर की दिशा में एक छोटी दरिया बहती है जाओ जाकर वहां से पानी की प्यास बुझा लो...
साधू की बात सुनकर उसे बड़ी प्रसन्नता हुयी और उसने साधू को धन्यवाद बोला. पत्नी एवं बच्चो की स्थिति नाजुक होने के कारण वहीं रुकने के लिया बोला और खुद पानी लेने चला गया.
जब वो दरिया से पानी लेकर लौट रहा था तो उसे रास्ते में पांच व्यक्ति मिले जो अत्यंत प्यासे थे. पुण्य आत्मा को उन पांचो व्यक्तियों की प्यास देखि नहीं गयी और अपना सारा पानी उन प्यासों को पिला दिया. जब वो दोबारा पानी लेकर आ रहा था तो पांच अन्य व्यक्ति मिले जो उसी तरह प्यासे थे... पुण्य आत्मा ने फिर अपना सारा पानी उनको पिला दिया...
यही घटना बार बार हो रही थी...और काफी समय बीत जाने के बाद जब वो नहीं आया तो साधू उसकी तरफ चल पड़ा...बार बार उसके इस पुण्य कार्य को देखकर साधू बोला - " हे पुण्य आत्मा तुम बार बार अपना बाल्टी भरकर दरिया से लाते हो और किसी प्यासे के लिए ख़ाली कर देते हो..इससे तुम्हे क्या लाभ मिला...? पुण्य आत्मा ने बोला मुझे क्या मिला ? या क्या नहीं मिला इसके बारें में मैंने कभी नहीं सोचा .. पर मैंने अपना स्वार्थ छोड़कर अपना धर्म निभाया.
साधू बोला - " ऐसे धर्म निभाने से क्या फ़ायदा जब तुम्हारे अपने बच्चे और परिवार ही जीवित ना बचे? तुम अपना धर्म ऐसे भी निभा सकते थे जैसे मैंने निभाया.
पुण्य आत्मा ने पूछा - " कैसे महाराज?
साधू बोला - " मैंने तुम्हे दरिया से पानी लाकर देने के बजाय दरिया का रास्ता ही बता दिया...तुम्हे भी उन सभी प्यासों को दरिया का रास्ता बता देना चाहिए था...ताकि तुम्हारी भी प्यास मिट जाये और अन्य प्यासे लोगो की भी...फिर किसी को अपनी बाल्टी ख़ाली करने की जरुरत ही नहीं..." इतना कहकर साधू अंतर्ध्यान हो गया...

पुण्य आत्मा को सबकुछ समझ आ गया की अपना पुण्य ख़ाली कर दुसरो को देने के बजाय , दुसरो को भी पुण्य अर्जित करने का रास्ता या विधि बताये..
मित्रो - ये तत्व ज्ञान है...अगर किसी के बारे में अच्छा सोचना है तो उसे उस परमात्मा से जोड़ दो ताकि उसे हमेशा के लिए लाभ मिलता रहे।Photo

Thursday, 29 March 2018

PhotoPhotoPhotoAnimated PhotoWaterfall of Myoko Kogen


PhotoPhotoKuala Lumpur! Patronas Twin Towers..Photo. ..Liguria. ..Italy
तप्त हृदय को , सरस स्नेह से ,
जो सहला दे , मित्र वही है।

रूखे मन को , सराबोर कर, 
जो नहला दे , मित्र वही है।Photo

मन की दृढ़ता और आत्मविश्वास आपका कार्य सफल बनाएंगे।
क्रोध को काबू में रखने से बहुत सी परेशानियों से बच पाएंगे।  
जोखिम वाले काम शुरू करने से पहले अच्छी तरह विचार करें।  
आप सजग रहेंगे। तन-मन में स्फूर्ति का आभास होगा। आत्मविश्वास भरपूर होगा। 
Psychology has been always a vast and interesting subject. Here we provide the best and interesting psychological facts straight from daily life. When events are overpowering and superior to your strength; you cannot win and it is useless opposing them. You must try to eliminate the obstacle, avoid danger by pulling yourself away from the situation. Be firm and decisive.

Wednesday, 28 March 2018

Image may contain: textYou can do something about it. You always have a choice. It doesn’t matter what happened before. What’s important is what happens from this moment on. It’s time to draw a line in the sand and separate the old you from the new you.Our lives aren’t pre-determined. People who only knew about poverty as a child have become billionaires. While other people, who were born in million dollar mansions, have grown up addicted to drugs and in and out of jail. So get rid of that belief. Whatever your life is like now isn’t what it will be like if you have any control over it and guess what? You do! You have so much power and you don’t even know it. Your lack of skill and natural ability can be made up with hard work and determination.
Inline image 1I know things have been tough lately. Every day feels the same and you want to scream from the top of your lungs because it sucks. Every day you feel like you’re on a downward spiral. You just hope that your life starts to change real soon. I’ve learned that life doesn’t have to be about finding that one thing you’re meant to do and then do it forever. Some people do find that one thing and dedicate their whole lives because they love it. I’ve realized that isn’t for me at this moment.Inline image 2 Is what I’m doing now what I’ll be doing forever? No, but I’ve found something that I enjoy at this moment. I know new opportunities will present itself and my need for a new challenge will come along. Who knows what I’ll be doing five years from now, but for now, I like what I do and have stopped searching for the meaning of life. It’s never too late to start going for what you want. Even if someone is 41, they’re still pretty young.. At 41, you’ve only lived 52% of your life. That’s it. You still have 48% of your life left to do what makes you truly happy. That’s still a lot of time.We’re used to wanting everything quicker. We want to reach our destination as fast as possible. 
You can do something about it. You always have a choice. It doesn’t matter what happened before. What’s important is what happens from this moment on. It’s time to draw a line in the sand and separate the old you from the new you.Photo

Friday, 23 March 2018

Motivational words for cancer patients

 One thing my doctor said to me that helped! He said those of us with this cancer are like treating Diabetes. Its chronic, and We have to go through several drugs to find out which one helps. A person is more likely to die from heart attacks, car wrecks, and a stroke but yet we don't worry about those on a daily basis.
  I have told her we have LOTS of women who have been given the hourglass...and have beaten it. And lots more women who will rise up and yell," Oh, nooooo! Don't believe it! And don't let his words rule your life!" 
 This gives me such hope and good reasons to live for the day and stop obsessing about the negatives. I can and will live for the day and keep the faith and fight that there are more things out there for I am trying to focus on what I am grateful for each day. This helps me stay in a positive frame of mind.

I have and will probably continue to have moments of fear. For now I'm trying to focus on the things I have control of. Eating healthy, walking, etc. to help my body recover from chemo. so Live your life. Rebuild your strength and energy,
Image result for hopeWhen our objective and success have been reached, At this point, you must simply refine some particulars. You must maintain what you have built: everything changes and so it'll be necessary to be careful that you don't lose everything.

Tuesday, 20 March 2018

Motivational Cancer Quotes Time is shortening. But every day that I challenge this cancer and survive is a victory for me. - Ingrid Bergman
When time is short life becomes interesting and challenging to race with pace

Monday, 19 March 2018



झरने लगे नीम के पत्ते बढ़ने लगी उदासी मन की, उड़ने लगी बुझे खेतों सेझुर-झुर सरसों की रंगीनी,

मैं नहीं जानता
कि प्रेम
आत्मा करती है
या मस्तिष्क ?
यह साहित्य और
विज्ञान का
अन्तर हो सकता है ;
Meenakshi templeReconsidering the Old-Fashioned VestibuleHouzz Tour: Sophisticated and Livable Style in MassachusettsPhotoPhotoPhoto





Saturday, 17 March 2018



 No matter how hard I work or what I do, I cannot control people if I simply do the “right thing.” I must deal with the illusion of self-determination and the idol of control, and learn to trust the God of everlasting mercy and goodness.I am not nearly so strong as I imagine myself to be. I am not nearly so wise as I perceive myself to be. I am not nearly so self-sufficient as I pretend to be. As a broken sinner I am weak, foolish, needy, and dependent. I cannot handle life on my own, neither the good times nor the tough times. I need God and his grace constantly.
“But by the grace of God I am what I am, and his grace toward me was not in vain” Most learning requires a longer process than most of us expect. God breaks through engrained patterns of thought and behavior we have developed over many years. My list of lessons learned is always growing, sometimes daily.
Some days these lessons seem crystal clear, and I accept them. Other days, I have many questions that propel me to probe deeper into those lessons. However, I hope in the truth that “the LORD will fulfill his purpose for me; your steadfast love, O LORD, endures forever. Do not forsake the work of your hands” (Ps. 138:8).
Whatever we do we need not to justify our deeds in the name of god.Earning wisely and spending wisely on family needs are justified. Know what to be in need and what  is to have in plenty.Photo