You will be surprised how, by constant prayer, your life will change. As you cannot broadcast through a broken microphone, so you cannot send out prayers through a mental microphone that has been disordered by restlessness. By deep calmness you should repair your mind microphone and increase the receptivity of your intuition. Thus you will be able to broadcast to Him effectively and to receive His answers.You have a divine right inherited from God to demand from Him; and He will respond to you because you are His own. If you constantly call to Him, He cannot escape the net of your devotion.
My daughter grieved a lot the loss of his father and was expecting that HE will come to us after rebirth and when it did not happened , I tried my best to console her, why one would come back.....Karma determines all the aspects of our life, especially birth and death. Therefore our action or inaction could not effect when our loved one would leave this world. His karma for this life is completed and now he goes on to further move toward the supreme goal.
It is true that often our beloved departed are aware of our grief and pain and are saddened by it. At the same time, would we not grieve?Japa and kirtan may be done for the benefit of a departed soul.
Most important is your taking of refuge in the Divine through japa and meditation, difficult as they may be at this time. This will not only benefit you, but your loved one and those that remain with you in your family.
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