Saturday, 15 December 2012


Most people are confident that they can solve their all problems themselves and god has nothing to do with their day to day affairs.We must have open mind and open eyes,we should not believe anyone who claims to be superman or has seen god. But if we are firm believer of god,we do not need to go somewhere,just sit and meditate,come closer to your real self and view your own strengths,inner powers,gather scattered thoughts or stop there -just control their intensity because it is impossible to stop thought process for common person.Viewing god is like looking  self in a  mirror.Be a seeker,believe in self and Truth. Truth is God. Truth is one and ultimate.But which hurts others,like calling a blind man as O blind man! come here should not be uttered.Or truth like a person carrying a knife, following a person ask you where the man has gone and you knew it,you should not tell the truth as it would harm someone badly.Know the limit first but do no manipulate truth. 

External circumstances regularly change quickly. You must consider however that the most intimate essence of man is unchanged over time. Give what you have to grow. Try to help others as well as you can. Everything will sort out itself. As a human being we are in the habit of worrying about everything and waste our energies. Conserving the energy within and utilizing it in spiritual progress,is our need. Do not overwhelmed by external circumstances,focus on its hidden meaning. We are here to enjoy,so enjoy what ever situation is,keeping inner calm and balance of mind- keep going.God will take care of rest.

Actually we over-react the situation,most of time we watch and let go the time pass by instead of utilizing it.

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