Wednesday, 27 August 2014


When you have lost something-  you run here and there searching for it.You could not find so lost peace of mind.
Keep your precious items where they belong, or put a locator chip on them (or in them as the case may be.)  And try not to be a loser in the first place. But once you have lost,use following techniques:-
Pretend you’re in a dream and your dream self lost this item.How would you interpret the dream?  How do you feel about the loss?  Do you feel irresponsible?  Victimized?  Forlorn or bereft?  What does the loss mean to you?
Tell the universe what direction  you want to be “yes” and what direction will be “no.”  You can choose clockwise or counter clockwise, or you can do horizontal vs. vertical lines. If your subconscious mind doesn’t know where the item is, you probably won’t find it. I found one article describing some funny things,I am here with bits of that article.  
If you’ve learned how to communicate with your guides, then get meditative and go talk to them.  Ask them where your item is.  They might tell you outright, or they might tell you why you lost it, and they might tell you that you’ll never see it again because finding it is not in your best interest.  I hope you’ve sent some gratitude to your guides recently. 
 Sit quietly and get meditative.  Meet your future self in your mind’s eye and have a conversation with him. so why not ask your future self where you ended up finding it. Maybe you’re not supposed to find it or have it in your life.  
Consider that before you tear up the house or your plumbing. I love this technique.  Yeah, we put the ring on the side of the counter and it fell right into the sink.  Took us an hour to fish it out and the plumber charged us $100.
If your primary psychic modality is clairsentience, which means clear-feeling, start walking around the area where you think you probably lost your precious item and try to feel a tug in your midsection pulling you in the direction of your lost item.  Or you might feel a hot or cold sensation telling you if you’re near or far, respectively.  You might feel a tingling sensation in your hands when you get close.  Don’t use your logic.  Feel for the tugging, temperature, or tingle.  If the item is in the area you’re searching, you could easily find it using this technique.
 If your primary psychic modality is clairaudience, which means clear-hearing, sit quietly, get meditative, and say in your mind, “Cell phone, where are you?”  Listen for the answer.  Again, you’re going to have to push your logic away.  If you could have found it with logic, you wouldn’t need to find it with intuition.
You can book a reading with a psychic, just be sure he or she is good at locating missing objects. Connect to your dream masters.More than likely your guides will tell you something about it that you don’t want to know.If you’re not good at remembering your dreams, this probably won’t work too well for you.Dream masterworks in dreams only.
If your primary psychic modality is claircognizance, which means clear-knowing, then turn off your rational mind completely and simply walk to where your item is, with confidence and assurance.  Don’t even think about it, just go there.  This one’s hard if you’re not a gifted claircognizant.
 Keep working at it.  You will get better over time.  If you’re too emotionally attached to finding this object, that alone can block your success. Try and try again!

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