Thursday, 21 June 2012


Bear  in mind that  nothing is permanent and everything is changing event by event.  Even the water in the river is not the same, as it is flowing. In this mortal world  sooner or later one has to go, sooner you accept this fact better it would be for you and the people around you. Being alone is a blessing in disguise as you get a perfect chance to uplift your inner powers. Life is a divine blessing and you should love to live it in its entirety. Start believing in yourself that you can overcome your loneliness and you will find a difference with passage of time. Strongest man is who stands alone; being alone does not mean living in isolation. This period should be taken as a positive frame of mind and this time should be utilized in self-introspection. You will get answers of many unasked questions. You will get power to handle any situation soon-strongly than ever.
  There is a dire need to change mindset if we really want to grow. Restlessness may disturb you univitendly. Sometimes you are up sometimes feel low. You will experience mountains and valleys in dealing with real life responsibilities. Choice is always ours. We get what we choose. All is result of our own actions and thoughts. Though sometimes we are affected by our past actions, which yield results when the suitable time comes. Own up responsibility of your own actions and get out of rut.
 The current of our spiritual energy is silently transforming the lives of ordinary people even in far off places. Innumerable people who have experienced spiritual powers have strong faith. Where you put your faith you would be able to see sharp intelligence and deep understanding of life and its problems. God realization is an experience which many have experienced at different levels of grasping subtle truths within. Pure and simple mind can gain powers to see into the hearts of all human beings. All negative feelings such jealousy, desire, anger  lust, greed etc. one can control easily by killing the enemy within our mind. First we have to realize that our greatest enemy is within. So capture this to enjoy a peaceful and prosperous life. Gita 3.7 says  he who restrains his senses with his mind and directs his organs of action to work, with no feeling of attachment—he is indeed superior. For this we have to keep ourselves busy with some useful work to prevent unwanted thoughts  to disturb us. To avoid this deadly devil, work work and work.
 Negativity is a natural thing. You know how to handle it; it’s a wake up call for every one. Watch every minute thing- watch and then react accordingly. Politics exists everywhere, the only difference is that when it is used by other people we become victim, and when we use it for our own issues it is good. It is life. Your decisions may be a result of compelling environment or your obsession for anything. Everything is relative. Nothing is absolute. What you think is right might be wrong for others. So why worry! Just do what your conscience allows. But for that, we need to be honest with ourselves. Above all, love yourself. Love has transformative power, only love.  

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