Thursday, 21 June 2012


Sometimes we feel a void in life not because we want something, but because we have everything: lot of money, big house and all comforts. Life is not an easy matter, it has many folds to be unfolded one by one. Peace and happiness is  internal and not dependent on the external. We can adjust ourselves by strong will power at any crucial time, even enemies can be the best teachers telling you who you are. So listen to your enemy for god is talking through them.

 Replace negativity with positivity and find everlasting joy within every phase of life. We have made simple things complex due to our ignorance or lack of awareness. Once we are aware there would be no troubles,  we have stabilised our mind. This is mind taming by asking some questions like-what-why-when-where –how and how much. Introspection is must. So practice it once a day whenever you have time. Appreciate all relationships and realize the fact that life is good with all its trials and troubles. If wrong things are happening, perhaps they are happening for the right reasons. Perhaps that is better than having the right things happen for your wrong reasons. Simplify your life and then you can have a view of all what  you really need and what is irrelevant at the moment. This moment of realization and revelation is the most valuable for anyone.

 Relationships with others is the projection of relationship we have with ourselves. Our internal relation ship is actually projecting  all external relationships we have with the world. All human beings, are actually a  bundle of thoughts, and all exists in our thoughts. So improving the thought pattern is called the key, watch for few minutes your thoughts without internal commentary. Be a watcher only. Then project the person in your thoughts who is troubling you. When you have controlled your thoughts, your complaints may be genuine about that person but it would not bother you anymore. You have improved your thoughts and now nothing is bothering you. All the things and persons may be same as they were. But now you are not having the same complaints. This is meditative state where one can enjoy everlasting peace and joy.  Next stage is  forget all and accept all as it is. Love self and all parts of your life and then you will accept all as it is. Love others as they are. It is called internal engineering,  improving self , the thought pattern, belief system and even our intentions. The more you love others unconditionally, the more you will get and your heart would be light, relaxed and tension free the problem outside may be a genuine one but how we deal with it is determining the result. Our complaints about others are not complaints actually about others. But those are our own problems, internal problems for not coping up with the situation and people, so faults and flaws are our own which need to be improved. A fascinating way to accelerate your own personal growth is to build relationship with others. The more we interact with others the more we come to know the areas which need our attention to improve our internal or external relationships. This is the beginning of a  journey to self realization.                       

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