Saturday, 16 June 2012


When you sleep too much, worry too much, watch television too much or eat too much, you make withdrawals in your Personal Excellence Account. To be great you must act great. Nothing can stop a person who refuses to be stopped. Yet most people spend their entire lives struggling for a little happiness against a current of problems or difficulties, hoping to see a small glimpse of blue sky against the mass of dark clouds which seem to blanket their lives. These people never realize the magic secret of true happiness:
one must rise above the clouds to see the blue sky rather than constantly trying to push them aside. Clouds will always be there but anyone who conditions their mind and body to the correct degree will rise above any cloud to live with lasting bliss in the blue sky of life. Dedicate yourself to such self-enhancement each and every day of your life. A flabby mind allows weak thoughts to enter. Weak thoughts drain your energy and limit your actions. Limited, unproductive actions prevent you from being the best and attaining all of your desires. William James said: “the essence of genius is knowing what to overlook".

The body and mind are intimately linked and if your body is tense, your mind will be tense,
unfocused and agitated. Stress hampers your creativity and intellect in very serious ways. When you are under stress, you are prevented from being your best and tapping your real potential. Balance of physical and mental health is necessary. Any person who does not enjoy good mental health can never get rid of  irritation, mood swings and bad behavioural pattern.  He always has a feeling of tiredness, feeling  of worthlessness. So lack of self confidence, self acceptance is there. He tends to be eccentric, irresponsible and lazy. Depression is very common in such person. He can never get happiness, because of his negative attitude. Loss of sleep, headaches, body pains, digestion disorder, loss of appetite, nervous breakdown and phychological fatigue follows and condition becomes bad to worse. Such person tends to be socially cut off. 

To enjoy life we have to be bold enough to face stark realities of life. So move on.  Move on mantra is to be repeated in mind. Whether life is good or bad, simply it is your attitude which can transform your life.Life will end one day without our approval, such is godly plan. So whatever life span you have got, enjoy quality of life. Live life King size.  Be your master, tame your mind and balance of mind and heart will simply give you opportunities to live life king size without too much accumulation of luxuries around yourself. Luxuries cannot give you happiness because it is a mad race,which you have now will lose its charm after few days and you will be again on wanting mode. If you had a car, new modes will be there after few days and your happiness will fly away. Same is with other things such as dresses, new styles of phones, television and so on as list is endless. Healthy person has strength and mental balance so accept the challenges of life without panic, he can understand the others perspective. Be simple and  learn art of minus. Minus tension, minus irritation, minus worries etc. What will be left is tension free relexed happy life, which everybody yearns.

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