Friday, 29 June 2012


There are many paths up to a mountain

There are many paths up to a mountain but view is almost same from top of the mountain. Here mountain is our ultimate goal i.e. finding god. There are many religions and belief systems but God is one.When your every thought and your every action is directed to your ultimate life goals, you become unstoppable and assured of great success and happiness. When you cultivate your mind, body and character, your life takes on powerful dimensions that you never thought possible.   Take at least 10 minutes every evening and visualize yourself doing what you want to do. Picture the fun and happiness you will feel when, at the end of your life, you have done all that you wanted to do. Whatever we do, we do it to feel good. Later our habit of feeling good generate negativity in terms of spending time in dreamworld, doing  shopping endlessly to feel good or sleeping too much etc. This is  normal state of younger generation, they have energy, time, money and a deep desire to feel good. We, actually, feel good when we do good to others, extend our helping hand to the needy person. This sort of feeling good is positive and thus the happiness we get, is true..Whether you are trying to erase the worry habit or develop the discipline of a daily walk in a natural setting or trying to quit smoking, persevere for 21 days. Be flexible, but never give up your good habits if your aim is worthy.

As our ultimate goal is to find happiness, joy and peace. Any  thought becomes prominent within few seconds and automatically we desire to have that. Within 21 days it becomes our habit. So be choosy. Have a control over thought system through meditation. Meditation is a practice wherein we watch our thoughts without involvement. In meditative state we come to know our thought pattern. With daily practise of 10 minutes we get control of thoughts, and can replace good habits erasing bad ones.

There are people who have negativity to the extent that they can suck our energy, we feel drained off energy. With practice we can overcome this state. In meditation picture that  person and remove all your feelings.Use your willpower, collect energy from source energy.You will feel better and will recover.We have to bridge ourselves with inexhaustible source of  life. Man is like a wave, if the wave looks inward it will find the infinite, and if the wave goes on looking outwards it remains disconnected from its own kingdom. Kingdom of god is within, go within to find self to find god.. Nature works in fabulously wonderful ways. Once a goal is set, the mind concentrates on its achievement.

Nature exerts its powerful influence to bring about its realization.You have the potential to create a new real beginning today. This new reality can be one of superb health, abundant prosperity and absolute bliss. You too can meet with success, Work as in an avid gardener tends daily to his garden, nurturing it with all that is good, you must nurture and cultivate your mind. If you do this and zealously guard against the weeds which will attempt to take root by thinking positive, inspiring thoughts only, you will see great things blossom.

Everything is created twice - first in your mind and then in the outside world. Just as a builder first designs a building on paper before he starts to build it, you must create all that you desire in your mind’s eye. If you do this, if you dream great dreams and good thoughts, forces which you never understood will be activated to bring you to your goals.

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