Monday, 25 June 2012


A life is worth nothing but nothing is worth a life. Life is most precious thing in this world. So when alive why you worry? And once you died nothing can harm you as all is over so what to worry? Worry is a type of cancer. To control worries watch your thought pattern,filter it, any situation has more chances of improvement- ' I could have done differently". This thought can  transform you quality of life for better.

                                            A happy person need not to pray as we pray to be happy. All  of our actions are directed toward happiness. We work,we eat,we are busy in different activities only to get happiness. Try to be in original form,as today everything is getting a touch of artificiality. Look at the truth and change become  inevitable.Have positive attitude. Never imagine imaginary worries. Grow forgiveness, learn gratitude .Perhaps new generation is new to the art of gratitude. Letting go past and concentrating on now. Hurry and worry spoils the curry. Know your areas of strength and be prepared to go any distance. Problems have solutions too!
                                             Sometimes answers lies within question itself. Keep your mind and body busy to relieve you from anxieties and worries. A graceful face and smile will always be your reward for practicing this.

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