Friday, 16 August 2013


 Nothing detracts from quality of life like a fixed opinion or a closed mind. The moment we make an emphatic statement about anyone or anything, we set a trap for our future selves. We can guarantee that there will come a moment when we have to question the great assertion. Thus the biblical quote: 'Judge not, that you be not judged.' It's more than tempting now to reach a clear conclusion about the rights and wrongs of a particular matter. But it is not wise to do so now. 
Deconstruction is always easier than reconstruction. If you want to take something apart, all you need is a screwdriver or a critical frame of mind. Now, in much the same way that we can take apart a machine, we can find fault with anyone or anything. Creativity, though, calls for a different kind of energy. A power of belief. Now when you are up against forces of doubt and scepticism. There are pointing fingers and accusatory looks being exchanged. Do you really want to get into all of that? Or do you want to go beyond it into the realm of positivity? It is time for you to trust, accept, and move on.
 You now have the option to stick to an existing arrangement but if you are really honest, you have to concede that you no longer have the desire. You see life differently now. You can't deny what you consider to be important, nor can you pretend to yourself that this isn't vastly different to the priority you held in the past. The coward's way out involves dragging your heels, deliberately allowing a situation to fall apart and then blaming it on 'circumstances'. Don't. You can afford to be brave and to own your new decision.
Old habits are hard to break. We do what we have always done. We do it without thinking. We just get on with whatever we usually get on with - even if, deep down within, we know that this is not good for us, we get on with it anyhow. All stays much the same until, one day, suddenly, a penny drops. We realise that we are ready for change, and change is ready for us. Then, even the most ingrained behaviour patterns become simplicity itself to transcend. You are no longer stuck. Here,, comes freedom.
We don't hear a lot, these days about 'happiness'. It is out of fashion. People are more interested in looking good, losing weight or seeking fame. Contentment? What's that? Once, though, it was a different story. People did not care how they lived or what happened to them as long as their hearts were light and their minds were clear. Now we may be wealthier than our ancestors but we are more worried than they were. This week, as you start to shake-off a fascination that has caused restlessness, you will feel far better

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