Saturday, 31 August 2013

You have got the kind of problems that some folk would consider themselves lucky to have. Your powers may be limited but at least they exist. You have choices, options and opportunities. You have the ability to do brave and brilliant things. You may only have a little of what you need, but with ingenuity, you can turn that into a lot. Keep a sense of perspective this weekend. Make an effort to remember what really matters, and why. Then every move you make will be effective. Go for quality, not quantity.
Nobody picks up a cigarette for the first time ever and says, 'Goodness, how pleasurable'. We have to force ourselves to return to the packet time and time again, until we have somehow found a way to live with the splutter and the stench. That's why tobacco is so hard to give up. Acquired tastes always mean much more to us than the ones that have come along naturally. Now, what have you learned to like? And how good for you is it? This weekend, you are being set free. Don't cling wistfully to the prison bars.
Evil villains in movies invariably yearn to take over the world! They never, though, go on to explain why they would want to do this. Perhaps they have a pathological desire to attend dull meetings or issue edicts about the number of car parks that major cities can be allowed to build. Or perhaps they just want to be criticised. You now need neither power nor influence, nor to be burdened with some heavy responsibility. You merely need to assert yourself and this will bring you all the power.
When we let things get to us, we find it hard to let them go again. Our emotions, once awakened, refuse to go back to sleep. Our passions, and our prejudices alike, flood our lives with a light of one colour - and in the process they wash away experiences of some more subtle, varied hue. That's why we should try to be carefree about what we take seriously. A situation now seems to be sapping your strength. It means less than you think it does. Give it less energy and you will get more energy back for yourself.

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