Friday, 16 August 2013


The pen, they say, is mightier than the sword. That's not necessarily true, though, if you happen to find yourself in the middle of a fencing match. There are times when we find ourselves having to resort to clumsy mechanisms and primitive techniques. You rather wish that you could now be more deft and delicate in your handling of a sensitive situation. You are conscious of a tendency to tread too heavily. But by anyone else's definition, you are tiptoeing. Don't criticise anyone, especially yourself. Just persevere.
The trouble with being determined to make something happen by hook or by crook is that this can prevent you from recognising a much easier way to attain your objective. Like a boxer who has been in training for a big fight you're psyched up for a showdown. What you don't know is that your terrifying challenger has a weak jaw and a wobbly knee. All you have to do is land one little punch in the right place. Forget your notion of some enormous struggle. Victory is going to be much quicker than you imagine.
  Imagine, for a moment, that you are thirsty. Unfortunately, you happen to be wandering through a desert. Parched and tired, you come across a puddle of stale rainwater. Working on the assumption that this has got to be better than nothing, you ignore the risk to health and begin, reluctantly, to drink. Then, you suddenly look up and see a vast, pure, clear lake shining in the distance. Don't make that kind of an error now. Tempted though you may be to give up and give in, you are nearer than you think to a better solution.
We live, we learn, we carry on living... and carry on learning. You suspect you were wrong to feel afraid of a particular situation or possibility. You didn't need to fight against it - or try to escape it - or kick up half as much fuss as you did. If that's how you feel, you have learned only half the lesson. You did need to do all you did, if only to learn, the only way you could, how much you didn't need to do it! You will yet have reason to be glad of the past and to feel optimistic about the future. 

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