Why do roses have thorns? Presumably, it is to afford them at least some protection from those who might otherwise too easily pick them. These flowers, as far as we know, don't actively and deliberately grow in the ground hoping that they will end up in a vase on someone's table. Sometimes, we all encounter a sharp side to a person - or a situation - and feel a little upset or offended. Why is it there? What have we done to deserve such spikiness? There are good reasons for all in your life that may now seem unfair.
Not every top hat contains a rabbit. Not every silk scarf hides a dove. Indeed, the vast majority of such items of menswear most definitely don't. Only the ones that belong to illusionists may sometimes, under some circumstances, house such creatures. But that doesn't mean that we should rule out all possibility of ever encountering doves and rabbits in scarves and hats. Sometimes, just sometimes, magical unexpected things really do happen.
Streams eventually make their way towards rivers - and rivers, sooner or later, end up in the oceans. And what happens to the oceans? Where do they get to in the end? Quite a few of them, we are reliably informed, get picked up by the sky. There, they are carried, in the form of clouds, back towards the land where they fall as rain and become streams. Thus starting the whole cycle again. Are you beginning to feel as if every process in your life is becoming just as predictable? Coming shortly, a pleasing variation on this theme.
Though life is not a game, we spend our lives playing games of one kind or another. Every time we find ourselves in a new situation, we have to learn the rules of engagement. We have to learn what constitutes 'winning' or 'losing' before we can make any kind of useful judgement about how our own quest for success is faring. What rules must you adhere to now? And which are you safe to ignore? Some delicate judgements must be made but one key law must not be forgotten. You owe it to yourself to relax
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