Sunday 10 August 2014

 It's funny how you can know someone for years, and then suddenly realise that there is much about them that is a mystery to you. Even our closest companions have aspects to their character that it is easy for us to overlook or to forget. You are now seeing a familiar subject in a fresh light. This is causing you to process some unfamiliar thoughts and ideas. An agreement needs to be renegotiated. This is causing you to understand an old arrangement in a different way. It need not be the problem you fear it is. If the world is full of people who are 'always right', how come so much is so wrong? Because, actually, our 'great leaders' know little more than the rest of us. Our captains of industry succeed as much by luck as judgement. Our politicians hope that if they say the right things, the right things will happen. Sometimes they do. And sometimes, well... we have all read the papers. With this in mind, may we ask what you are doing in your emotional life now? You are hoping for the best, aren't you? Don't try to justify a hunch. But do follow it. 

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