Saturday 9 August 2014

When someone is wrong about something, is it always necessary to inform them of it? Does it not depend on various other considerations such as 'how much danger they are putting themselves or anyone else in?' Or, 'how offended are they going to feel if an error on their part is publicly drawn to their attention?' There may be many perfectly good reasons why people allow other people to remain in ignorance. And now we come to your own opinion about a sensitive situation. Consider your obligations. we merely treat present as precious treasures. That may sound extreme but there is now much to be said for learning to love something you feel more inclined to fear. Where are they all? Gone moments,people who loved us or to whom we loved- Nearer than you think - but to get them, you may first have to give up your own place in someone else's entourage.Everything and every moment is recorded in our mind and heart so close your eyes to rewind the moments.

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