Thursday, 8 August 2013

'Spare the rod, spoil the child.' Believe it or not, that's what they used to say back in the good old days. Perhaps those old days weren't as good as we imagine. Folk used to think that smoking was a fine thing, too. You could get brands of cigarettes specially recommended by doctors. Somewhere in the back of your mind is a traditional value that deserves re-evaluation. Don't assume,  that something must be right, just because it has never been questioned. Here comes your freedom to think (and live) differently. 
The best things in life are free. Like, for example, life itself. Did you have to pay a fee to arrive on this planet? Whenever babies are born, do two great hands emerge from the sky, one waving an invoice and the other outstretched to receive payment? Why, of course not. Life is a genuine, heartfelt, gift that comes with no strings attached. We even get it, regardless of whether we have any gratitude for it. But if we ever do stop for a while and recognise what we have to be thankful for, things get truly magical.
You are special. You are wonderful. You have the most glorious potential. Now, please don't get all cynical. Don't start thinking, Your outlook is truly splendid and to capitalise on it, all you need to do is recognise and acknowledge your own value and importance. If you can see your way to do that, all else you need will start seeing its way to get to you.
You are getting things done, moving mountains, breaking through barriers, solving problems. So why do you feel so edgy? Because of inner tension. Cosmic climates of this nature are rather like caffeine. They get you going... but make it hard for you to stop when you want to. You need to put that adrenaline to work when you truly need to. Ignore it when you don't. And don't underestimate the power of your wishes. They can get you what you want - so you'd better be sure you want it.
You are not supposed to be feeling fine. Well, in one way you are. In one way that is all you are ever supposed to be feeling. We none of us came to this earth to suffer, you know. But right now, given all you are up against, it would be somewhat surprising if you were feeling entirely at ease. It might, indeed, be indicative of insensitivity. Look, if you don't know what I'm talking about, I don't mean to alarm you. But if it is all too much, please don't worry. It IS all too much! And soon, there will be far less to upset you! 
We have so many different ways to judge. We can form opinions about the way that people look, the amount of money they earn, the job they do, the way they speak - or simply the style of their body language. Yet what right do we have to infer such apparent depth of meaning from such flimsy superficial evidence? And how much do we deprive ourselves of opportunity when we narrow our minds like this? The most wonderful, positive, progress becomes possible for you now, if you can only steer clear of a prejudice.
 If you normally travel by taxi, you may feel a little unhappy if one day, circumstances dictate that you must take the bus. If you are a regular bus passenger, you may have a similar reaction to the discovery that you are now required to walk. Yet these different modes of transport do not belong to a hierarchy. They are each just as enjoyable and effective, as long as we set our expectations a little differently and resolve to enjoy the benefits that they offer. All that really matters in your life now, is that you can get from A to B.
You are feeling inclined to ask yourself some deep and difficult questions. It seems as if you need to justify your choices and convince yourself that you really know what you are doing. Several factors are also contributing to this need to re-evaluate. By all means double check your motives... but don't assume that a mood of uncertainty equates to clear proof that you are heading in the wrong direction. You may not yet know why your instincts are saying what they're saying... but they are attached to your emotions - and emotions are important.  
Can you think of a single other person you'd rather be? There. Doesn't that tell you something? Your own situation may not be ideal, but at least you know your way around it. You're travelling a road that simply has to lead to a glorious destination. There's a point to what you're doing and there's something positively poetic about the way things are changing. Be glad that you are who you are... and allow a very positive cosmic climate to fill you with the enthusiasm you deserve to feel.

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