In life,We have been through many tricky emotional situations in the past. All of us may have faced seemingly hopeless scenarios before. But if we had emerged with grace to find fresh hope. No matter what we feel threatened by events, things will improve naturally soon. We'll win a battle or (more likely) discover that we don't even need to fight it.
If we do not give up,we'll get information that alters view or come up with some clever way to get round a problem.Frustration will be rapidly replaced by inspiration.
Experts get paid for acting and talking as if they know all the answers. They have a lot to lose if they don't play it safe. That's why they offer advice that won't get them into too much trouble if it proves wrong. Often, though, they overlook the obvious, or dismiss, as unworkable, ideas that could be successful with just a little experimentation and improvisation.
What might be the 'expert view' of a situation in your personal life now?Even if you feel that you should have more fully foreseen a change that is now taking place, you have no evidence that this is harmful to anything other than your pride. When you first made a particular commitment, you entered into it with a suspicion that you were only ever likely to be able to get so far... and no further. You will soon discover that your current situation is offering you a significantly different opportunity, but one far better than you ever dared hope for.
Be open. There's nothing sensible about life on Planet Earth. We are not here because someone had a committee meeting and developed a careful plan. We exist in bodies that have not been approved by Health and Safety, and we make our most important decisions on the basis of irrational needs and fears. You are entitled to feel what you feel and to want what you want. Will you get it? Well, that probably depends on how badly you really want it!
You are too kind. Or are you? There's usually method to your madness and it is often one that you don't notice until you have done something seemingly crazy and found that it has had a good result. Your instinctive approach may pay yet another dividend soon. In refusing to let a silly situation bother you, you are gaining valuable freedom. Maybe someone else is being let off the hook, but if the alternative involves you gripping that hook too tightly it's just as well. Be kinder to yourself by being kinder to someone else.
Why doubt yourself? Why question your entitlement to joy and contentment? And why suspect, for a single moment, that you are not going to experience this? Of course life has had its ups and downs lately. Without those downs, the ups mean nothing. You've developed a real appetite for reassurance. It has also become clear that you won't find this unless you start looking deeper into your own reservoir of wisdom. But deep within, you know what's needed now. And you also know how to make it happen.
Some people believe the body is a temple. We should treat it with utmost respect and give it nothing but the best. Yet there's a downside to this philosophy. It's all too easy to become unhealthily fanatical about what you eat, drink or do. The benefit you may attain through discrimination and discipline can be counteracted by the harm you create through worrying. Nothing does us more damage than emotional fear and you are worth so much more than that. Let go of a negative and embrace a positive.
We can sometimes have reason to be grateful for our difficulties. Often it is only because of these that we reach crucial decisions. In times of ease, we can put off long-overdue changes. We can allow ourselves to settle for second best. It may not be great but it is cosy. Then, along comes a drama - and suddenly we have to really rethink everything. You have surely had enough drama. Your choices to all intents and purposes have been made. Now you need, deserve, and are due for an easier time in your emotional life.
A little kindness costs nothing. Even when we are in a hopeless situation we can be polite and gentle, mild-mannered and understanding. Somewhere in your world now, a conflict has arisen. Trouble is brewing. Anxiety and anger have been stirred together into a kind of crisis cocktail. Those who are drinking it in, are becoming most unfortunately inebriated. You need to stay sober.
If only you can manage to keep your wits about you, you will soon see the silver lining that accompanies the current cloud. In every good adventure movie, there comes a moment where the central character is captured by the enemy. All looks hopeless for our hero or heroine. After putting up a valiant fight, they must seemingly surrender. Then, just in the nick of time, everything changes once more.
You have lately had to make the most of an emotionally stressful situation that you've been stuck with. Your problem has been lulled into a false sense of security. It now thinks it has you beaten. But you are about to seize your chance of victory.
Some people really are too clever for their own good. They plan for eventualities that are never going to happen. They ask questions that really can't be answered - and which don't need to be answered, anyway. They take nothing at face value. They leave nothing to trust. They feel that everything must be anticipated and legislated for. Right now, you may be thinking much more than you need to about a feeling that can't be fully understood. You are tying yourself up in knots. Be wise enough to realise that fate is on your side.
What do you want to be? Perfect? Faultless? Revered and respected by all for your supreme intelligence and impeccable decision-making? Of course, a part of you wants this. But that part of you is actually a rather dull part. Somewhere within you now, there's an urge to be reckless, spontaneous, brave on behalf of a cause that deserves to be defended. Your reputation may suffer in the short run if you dedicate too much to an emotional, romantic, idealistic urge. But you will feel an awful lot better for it.
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