Sunday, 4 August 2013

 All it takes is an insight or a flash of inspiration. One moment everything looks bleak, the next, it is radiant. Nothing actually has to change for this to happen. All that's required is a mental adjustment. A shift of attitude. You are starting to question many assumptions that once seemed unassailable. In the process, you are gaining the potential to unleash enormous power and to open doorways of opportunity that once seemed unimaginable.If there is a Supreme Creator, and if such a force has an identity and a consciousness, how does he/she or it deal with requests and entreaties from the human race? Imagine two equally appropriate applicants are pleading for a boon, but it is not possible to satisfy one without completely disappointing the other. Somewhere in your emotional life now, a dilemma along these lines is beginning to arise. Even if you were a divine being, you would have trouble tackling this one. Cross your fingers. Do your best.What makes life worth living? Though we may all give different answers, they will all have one thing in common. Life seems more worth living when you don't keep feeling inclined to stop and ask what the point of it all is You live a lot closer to the edge than many people. You know exactly how close you can get to the brink before you fall over it. And whilst your choices sometimes unnerve other people, you rarely scare yourself. Lately, though, you have begun to doubt the wisdom of a recent choice. A step too far? There are reasons to suspect that you may have just gone beyond a safe limitDo you ever wish that you could turn back time? You won't, in August, manage that but you may, in a strange way, come close to a chance to do something similar. You will get to reopen a case that you thought had been long since closed. You will be able to look again at a part of the past that normally makes you uncomfortable. History is about to be rewritten in a way that helps you feel much more enthusiastic about the future. Something you thought was wrong may yet to turn out to have been very right.Dictionaries misleadingly suggest that most words have just a few different meanings. In reality, though, there are millions of different ways to interpret even the most simple sentence. As any thespian will confirm, all communication boils down to nuance, tone and context. Plus, of course, expectation. Often, we fail to hear what someone is really saying because we are so caught up in what we think they are saying. Lately, there has been a big misunderstanding. Now there's a chance to clear it upTo be a Taurean is to be naturally wise. Where others mistake your profundity for a stubborn refusal to embrace change, you feel that the status quo usually has a good reason to exist and thus you had better be shown an even better reason to change it. Right now, it is as if you were a magnet. Drawing various people and possibilities towards you. You may feel that you are having no conscious influence over all that is unfolding. But you definitely do have power. Trust the choices your heart is already making.We spend our lives avoiding some situations and inviting others. That's if we're lucky. Some of us manage to invite the very situations we are trying to avoid. Others get it the other way round, which is potentially worse. Usually, this happens when we think we know what we are doing. Doubts and misgivings are useful if we have a tendency to be over-confident about matters we don't fully understand. Remember this month: today's reason to be doubtful is tomorrow's reason to be glad you thought twice. If you want to make wise decisions, be aware that minds and hearts have different agendas. Rarely, if ever, do the two coincide. Our heads, though, have a nasty habit of speaking on our heart's behalf. They get away with this subterfuge because their voices are so 'reasonable' sounding. Hearts don't shout, they whisper, at least most of the time. And when they do speak up, they make statements that pay no regard to the restrictions of reality. Heads fight battles, hearts seek peace. And peace is what you need (and deserve) now.

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