Wednesday, 7 August 2013

 If there is a Supreme Creator, and if such a force has an identity and a consciousness, how does he/she or it deal with requests and entreaties from the human race? Imagine two equally appropriate applicants are pleading for a boon, but it is not possible to satisfy one without completely disappointing the other. Somewhere in your emotional life now, a dilemma along these lines is beginning to arise. Even if you were a divine being, you would have trouble tackling this one. Cross your fingers. Do your best.
When people talk about work, they say they are, 'earning a living'. But living is not something that any of us need to earn. It is a blessing bestowed upon us by cosmic forces that have no interest whatsoever in something as fleeting and artificial as money. Indeed, you could argue that it is in the effort to 'earn a living' that many people become so tense, that they forget to enjoy the simple beauty of just being alive.
All it takes is an insight or a flash of inspiration. One moment everything looks bleak, the next, it is radiant. Nothing actually has to change for this to happen. All that's required is a mental adjustment. A shift of attitude. You are starting to question many assumptions that once seemed unassailable. In the process, you are gaining the potential to unleash enormous power and to open doorways of opportunity that once seemed unimaginable. You may yet greatly enjoy the new understandings you reach.
 Do you ever wish that you could turn back time? You won't, manage that but you may, in a strange way, come close to a chance to do something similar. You will get to reopen a case that you thought had been long since closed. You will be able to look again at a part of the past that normally makes you uncomfortable. History is about to be rewritten in a way that helps you feel much more enthusiastic about the future. Something you thought was wrong may yet to turn out to have been very right.
We take great care to protect our possessions. We lock our doors and keep a wary eye out for suspicious passers by. Yet how do we protect ourselves from people who speak to us in ways that spoil our mood or rob us of our peace of mind? They don't even have to do this in person. We may read their words in a book or hear them talk on TV. Suddenly, we realise they have taken our sense of contentment from us. This is what happening to us now,T.V. thrillers,news and hearsay all are  disturbing us.
Smile and the world smiles with you.' That's what they say. But if you frown and say nasty things, the world reflects that right back at you too. Expressions of misery, anger or gloom are every bit as contagious. Now, when it comes to smiling, nobody ever stops to think about how to stop themselves from accepting such a message and cheerfully passing it on. Why wouldn't we want to do that?  Now you need a barrier against an unwanted 'communicable emotion'. Reach into your heart, and you will find one.
 You live a lot closer to the edge than many people. You know exactly how close you can get to the brink before you fall over it. And whilst your choices sometimes unnerve other people, you rarely scare yourself. Lately, though, you have begun to doubt the wisdom of a recent choice. A step too far? There are reasons to suspect that you may have just gone beyond a safe limit. There are, though, other reasons to suspect that everything in your love life is going to be perfectly fine. I'd trust these, if I were you.

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