Thursday, 8 August 2013

 Even when our eyes are open, we don't look properly. We see only what we expect to see. We take half a glance at our surroundings and draw the same conclusions that we drew the last time we paid them any attention. As you now seek answers to pressing questions, you should resist the temptation to hunt only in fresh territory. What you seek may be hidden in plain view.
 Dictionaries misleadingly suggest that most words have just a few different meanings. In reality, though, there are millions of different ways to interpret even the most simple sentence. As any thespian will confirm, all communication boils down to nuance, tone and context. Plus, of course, expectation. Often, we fail to hear what someone is really saying because we are so caught up in what we think they are saying. Lately, there has been a big misunderstanding. Now there's a chance to clear it up.Right now, it is as if you were a magnet. Drawing various people and possibilities towards you. You may feel that you are having no conscious influence over all that is unfolding. But you definitely do have power. Trust the choices your heart is already making.
Life, they say, is about living and learning. But if we do too much living, it may inhibit your ability to do the learning. And people who dedicate themselves to large amounts of academic research, often do so at the cost of their ability to fully enjoy the lives they are living. There has to be a balance. Right now, there is one lesson that you need to learn. Think a little harder about a process that seems so familiar that you can hardly imagine it has anything left to teach you. One small realisation could change everything for the better.
When we find ourselves in a very familiar environment, we almost stop noticing it. Only if something has changed significantly do we even stop to pay attention. When our surroundings are fresh to us, we are constantly taking stock and thus we become much more open to the possibility that a surprise could be in store. Much though you may now imagine that you are unlikely to make any great discovery in a set of circumstances that you recognise in so many ways, it contains an element of the delightfully unexpected.

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