Tuesday 1 May 2018


I am “living with cancer.”  That statement has a deep meaning for me.  I have never felt more alive, more appreciative of life, more blessed with the gifts of this world than I have since my diagnosis  In some ways I feel like I am truly living for the first time in my life.…it’s a beautiful way to live.  
 And I feel like I’m only just beginning to learn..  You are changed forever.  You see life differently.  You appreciate.  You love.  You let go.  You try new things.  You aren’t afraid of failure like you were before.  You are less embarrassed.  Less timid.  Less shy.  You are playful.  You are less serious.  You are less concerned with other people’s opinions.  You are more empathic.  More understanding.  Kinder.  Gentler.  Serene you will find an inner strength to deal with it.” 
 I have nothing to lose and may feel better," earlier I used to make myself miserable and the people around me miserable.  And that is no way for a body to heal. Still there is time to enjoy whatever left in best way!

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