Tuesday 29 May 2018

You may need to be brave

If there really were a Superman - or a Wonder Woman - the world might be a different place. Wouldn't many of us mere mortals simply give up in despair at being trumped and triumphed over by the existence of some character with personal resources? The way to do something extraordinary may involve encouraging someone else to find their own superpowers.
Those who do not wish to participate can simply declare their disinterest and feel free to escape all expectation.Photo
When we look down at the world from a high vantage point, we gain a tremendous sense of perspective. We can see where things are in relation to each other and we can also see how structures that might appear to tower over us when we are down on the ground are actually, surprisingly, small. The cosmos now grants you an opportunity to take a more enlightened view at a situation that once seemed daunting. Seize today's opportunity to consider a matter from angles other than the obvious and relax.Photo

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