Saturday 5 May 2018

Why we are not happier than our past generations?

Why we are not happier than our past generations? Because of full focus is on physical-outer environment.
If we feel pleasant it is called health, if it becomes very pleasant it becomes pleasure and if mind becomes pleasant it becomes peace and if it becomes pleasant it becomes joy.
If your emotions becomes pleasant we all it love and it becomes very pleasant, we call it compassion.
If your life energies becomes pleasant we call it bliss and if it becomes very pleasant we call it ecstasy!
This is all that you are seeking,pleasantness within or without, When pleasantness is within it is termed peace-joy and happiness! When your surroundings becomes pleasant it gets branded success,
If you are not interested in any of this and just want to go heaven, what are you seeking? Because it is also an outwardly success.

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