Be strong. Be wise. Be reasonable. Be all this, even in the face of trouble. For some strange reason you keep experiencing a sense of powerlessness. You wish that you could get a difficult process over and done with. You are almost tempted to betray a principle or to make a regrettable compromise - just to get instant relief from pressure. Wouldn't any progress at all be worth some kind of sacrifice or compromise? Hold tight to your faith and remember what you believe in. The right solution is not far away.
Is there a number tattooed on your skull? What about that ball and chain on your ankle? Does it have your name engraved on it, alongside the number of years you must serve? if you have put yourself on trial and declared yourself guilty of a crime you did not commit, you are punishing yourself. But opportunity and potential excitement. Look at what is being given to you, not what is being taken from you.
Life is planning,so plan and stick to planning. Do something which you have never done,using ordinary things like enjoying good food or
Plan and stick to planning. Do something which you have never
done,using ordinary things,food or going to a place you never visited. Try to not waste you energy in futile tasks or talks. Though sometimes you may talk exclusively about yourself and your interests without boasting or self pity or complaining manner. Please never bore your friends or companions. Be ordinary as possible.Most important is give chance to others to express themselves-listen to others. Do something for fun,accept challenges in ordinary way.
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