Sunday, 2 June 2013

 Whenever a repetitive, monotonous and unsatisfactory situation is beginning to wear you down. How many times do you have to go through the same old routine? When will you make your breakthrough - or at least experience some kind of freedom from what seems determined to stand permanently in your way? You may be much nearer than you think to just such a big step forward. It is not that all your troubles will soon be over, but you can safely trust that a tide is turning.
There is a limit to how far any of us can see. Even with the aid of amazing lenses there are bound to be things that we miss or overlook. And so it should be. Where would life's surprises be if we could always tell what was about to come our way? You are now in territory that you never expected to occupy. That's not a reason to feel concerned. On the contrary, it is a reason to be excited. An adventure is beginning. It may seem scary, but it is going to bring the progress that has long been seemingly lacking from your life. To grow and evolve help others who need you,this way you can progress well.
Just because anything can happen, there's no guarantee that it therefore must happen. Many things are possible. Few are inevitable. You are conscious of an option, A chance or  An opportunity to make a choice. But it does not matter how much you notice this possibility. You have to replace awareness with action. You have to do something practical. Or, at least, you do if you want a result. If you are not bothered; don't do anything. If you are; seize your moment while it is within your grasp.
Will a little of what you fancy do you good? It depends on what you fancy, why you fancy it and if what you actually fancy is the idea, or the reality. For example, if you are hungry and you hear of a delicious sounding dish, you may yearn to taste it, only to discover, when that opportunity comes, that it's not what you expected. Then, a little of what you fancy has done you good because it has shown you that you don't really fancy it at all. 
Whenever the weather is bad, we tend to assume that it will remain that way forever. But the moment the Sun peeks out from behind a cloud, we start to believe that the new reality is the permanent one. You have lately been conscious of an inclement climate. Is there really any point in trying to work out what has caused it? All you need to be aware of is that a source of concern and confusion is about to become far less significant. A reason for joy and celebration is about to arise. Don't fear the future, embrace it.
 With poise and grace, delicacy and decorum, restraint and respect, serenity and self-discipline, you are not going to express the full extent of your anger or exasperation. There are some things that have to be said, but you can still be smart about how and when you say them. There are some moves that must be made, but they are still better made at a mulled-over moment than enacted in the heat of a passionate reaction. What you can't resist, you will have to accept. What you can resist, you should. 
You're beginning to suspect you may be destined to lead a perpetually difficult existence, lurching from one drama to the next with hardly time to draw breath in between. There may soon be even greater pressure. But to make all of this more than worthwhile, there will also be a much higher success rate, and a feeling that many of your most pressing plans really do stand a good chance of coming to fruition. If you are prepared to work hard now, you can accomplish almost anything.
You have been psyching yourself up for something difficult. You have been preparing for a potentially exhausting experience. Now your big moment approaches, and it turns out to be less stressful than you expect. It is as if all the hard work has been in the process of preparation - in the thinking, the planning, and the rearranging of the mental and emotional boundaries. You have risen to the obvious challenge. What you now face is a more subtle, complex situation that is arising. 
You have an idea of what's appropriate, a vision of what's suitable, a notion of what's desirable. This image, this picture, this big, colourful, attractive assumption is enticing but misleading, attractive but dangerous. It is incomplete. It is based on what you know, but not on what you may be about to find out very soon. It is much more important, right now, for you to attain additional information than it is for you to follow an existing plan, you will become more enlightened and inspired.
If you can look into the seeds of time, and say which grain will grow and which will not, speak then unto me.' Shakespeare's quote reminds us of your current urge to know where best to invest time, effort emotion and money, that base currency which we have foolishly allowed to symbolise all three. Remember today, the brain needs formal information before it can form a rational judgement. The heart receives a much more primeval set of signals. Your instincts are sharper than your intellect right now.

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