Sunday, 23 June 2013

It often seems as if the more success we attain in one area of life, the less inspiring our outlook becomes in another, you yearn to redress some agonising imbalance, but you're reluctant to let go of a hard-won advantage. Unfortunately, you can't have it both ways, or, at least, you can't yet. Soon, it may well be a different story. For now, though, you must compromise in one department for the sake of progress in another. Trust that you're on safe enough ground to take a small risk.Nourish entire world with mercy and opportunities for something. Be short and specific and upto point which save time and energy. 
Aspire to inspire before you expire!
Be kind and think of others first or god will stop thinking of you!
Some of us wear our hearts on our sleeve. Others keep them in a lead-lined box buried beneath a palm tree on a remote island to which the only map was lost long ago,that is what they would like the world to believe. 
You are making some interesting discoveries about what certain people truly feel, and why they feel it. You are also starting to see your own deepest, most secret emotional agenda from a different perspective. There's now a real opportunity to strengthen a close connection.
 Every time you think you know what's going on, you have to stop and think again. You're being told something that cannot be entirely true... but the person who is telling you this entirely believes their own story. This is not so much a deliberate deception as an enthusiastic iteration of an ill-informed opinion!  It is important to trust your own understanding of a matter, no matter how much you seem to be under pressure just to go along with what everyone else seems to feel must be right.
 Why go the extra mile? What do you want to put in all that effort for? Will it really make a difference? Or will you just tell yourself that it has been worthwhile because otherwise you will feel that you wasted far too much time? Why not just play it cool? Because you are you. If a thing is worth doing, it's worth doing to the best of your ability. In your emotional life now, you absolutely have to honour your highest standards and your deepest priorities, no matter how inconvenient that may currently seem to be

.Are you pushing the right buttons? Are you asking the right questions? We all have a terrible tendency to do what we think others expect of us. We don't think for ourselves. We try to take refuge from fears and worries by 'fitting in' with the folk around us. At such times, our idiosyncrasies begin to seem like liabilities. They become reasons why we could be singled out and criticised. But this solstice week, you must not apologise for who you are and what you are. Your individuality is a strength not weakness.
 We can't conclude, just because one situation is now improving in your life, that your problems are over. We can't expect everything to be easy. We can't be sure that your love life will improve significantly. We can't state, that your finances are set to see a dramatic upturn. We can't guarantee that you will be full of brilliant ideas. We can't just assume that people will soon find you extraordinarily alluring and appealing. Yet, for various important reasons, we really can't rule any of it out either, we are beginning to enter a different cosmic climate. 
You can look around and see the evidence of a new era dawning with your own eyes. If it's not automatically visible, probe a little. Try the handles of doors that were previously locked. Make an effort to do what you had given up all hope of ever being able to do. You're not guaranteed success at every turn, but you are entitled to expect more success than you have had of late. It's all a question of pushing aside doubt and negativity.
Our enemies are often the people who were once our friends. And even our closest companions can be perceived as our potential enemies-in-waiting. Certainly, if we treat them badly enough, they will be in the best position to retaliate. But the cosmic message for you now is best summed up by a quote from Oscar Wilde: 'Always forgive your enemies; nothing annoys them so much.' Keep someone on side now... and you'll get more benefit from the relationship than if you allow a conflict to escalate.
 We may - or may not - be able to make dreams come true just by believing that, somehow, they can. One thing is for sure, though, if we don't believe, we make it far less likely. This full Moon invites you to take a fresh look at an old idea. You have been doubtful and dubious for quite some while about whether a notion is truly feasible. Do you want it to be possible? Or are you just looking for an excuse? An easy reason to drop the whole thing? First, be clear. Then, you will be successful.
A new adventure is about to begin. You have not, of course, finished your old adventure - but, then, that's nothing new. You are naturally versatile and you enjoy a challenge. So there should be nothing too daunting about the drama that is now starting to unfold. Other, perhaps, than that it is not one of your own choosing. You have one idea about what ought to be happening. Someone else, it seems, has another. Give this individual the benefit of the doubt. They have the potential to help, not hinder, you.
Why must life be difficult? Why can't we all just sail smoothly through the ocean of experience? You may as well ask why we have to have rain or why it can't be always day, never night? Without a down, how would we ever appreciate the meaning of an up? Without a challenge, why would we ever bother to bring about a change? Without doubt, how would we ever appreciate certainty? You have been through a lot lately but  you will start to see how valuable your recent experiences have been.
 No ifs, no buts, no maybes. Things have to be decided. They need to be sorted out. You are tired of all the to-ing and fro-ing. You don't want any more discussion, debate or dithering - and you certainly don't want any more arguments. You now know where you stand and you can't keep pulling and pushing in the hope that someone else will come and stand in the same place as you. That's fine; you don't need to do this. If you now honour what feels right in your heart, the right result will ensue. There's no need to worry.:
 Why does it sometimes feel as if our guardian angel has deserted us? Because guardian angels are frequently required to attend emergency conferences. They have to negotiate with other angels and thrash out complicated deals involving priority of need or conflict of interest. They return, clutching their dispensation proudly in their ethereal hand, only to discover that, in the meantime, we have made new choices for which they must compensate. Be still and have faith this week. Much that seems wrong will come right.
 Some people insure their antiques. Others go to great lengths to protect their savings. They think that these transient, physical things represent their security. They fear that their world might fall to pieces without their prized possessions. But aren't memories, commitments and long-standing affiliations even more precious? For the sake of your emotional wellbeing now, you need to establish and maintain a particular priority. Deep within, you know what this is. Don't kid yourself that it doesn't matter
'All the world's a stage,' or so, at least, Shakespeare insisted. He, though, was a professional writer. If he needed a script, he could just make one up. We less eloquent mortals don't always know what we're supposed to say or do when we are dealing with life's challenging factors. You may feel that you ought to be delivering some carefully-rehearsed soliloquy in order to convey a crucial, sensitive message properly. Not so. You just need to say something sincere and simple. You will yet be heard!
They say that you become like the company you keep. To some extent, it's true. We either have to accept and take on board the values of those around us or risk a sense of alienation. This is fine provided those values are healthy for us to have. You may now be under some subtle social pressure to compromise. You feel you should alter your needs if you want to feel accepted. Instead of bowing to this, seek the support of someone who is more naturally in sympathy with your most precious aims
You face a situation now that some people wouldn't want anything to do with. You have seen others struggle and fail to sort out a similar mess. They have given up. Are you getting ready to do the same? There seem to be many good reasons why you may as well. There is, though, one overriding reason not to. For that reason and that reason alone, you have to do what you can to protect the one bit of bedlam that is not yet completely crazy. In the process you may yet manage to actually achieve the near-impossible.
.In theory, your outlook is excellent. Why then, might this week turn out to be less than ideal? Because you've got, 'the kind of problem you should consider yourself lucky to have' or 'the sort of trouble that brings success!' Sometimes we need a little cosmic turbulence to keep us productively occupied. When we've got a challenge, we've got an opportunity. Don't think too long or hard about something that seems 'wrong' or you may end up trying too hard to fix something that isn't really broken in the first place.
 Some plants and creatures reproduce asexually. Various forms of yeast, fungus and bacteria can recreate themselves in this way - as can some starfish, aphids, bees, lizards and 'bonnethead' sharks. How convenient that must be. What lives of supreme independence they must lead. As for the rest of us... Well, it seems we need each other for something, at least. There are certain processes other than the aforementioned, that you cannot complete alone. Life now, therefore, requires a degree of co-operation. Somewhere in the high mountains, there's a wisdom factory. Its tall chimney bellows out smoke that gets picked up by the clouds and carried across the whole of Earth.
 If you happen to be standing in the right place, you can revel in the rain of insight and understanding. But not, of course, if you are wearing the overcoat of opinion or holding aloft the umbrella of cynicism. Before there can be true certainty, there must first be sincere uncertainty. In your emotional life soon, a shower of wisdom is about to fall. For some while now, you have been nurturing a very specific desire. On occasions you have come within a hair's breath of fulfilling this, but either some awkward factor has arisen or you've been obliged to turn to some other more pressing matter. Now, once more, it looks as if it may just prove possible to reach your much-longed-for goal. Will there be yet another twist in the tale? Yes, but his time, it will be one you can happily accept. For though the path ahead is not exactly straight, it leads to the right destination.

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