Thursday, 13 June 2013

Even you are impressively independent. You have an uncanny capacity to emanate an air of autonomous authority. Yet there are some things that even you can't do entirely on your own. Help is on offer to you now but are you too proud to accept it? Perhaps it takes the form of an individual to whom you have no wish to become beholden. Perhaps it involves accepting an idea or suggestion that you have long felt resistant to. Nonetheless, an open-mind represents your most credible key to progress and success.
How you may be able to learn to love? It is not that you should expect to have to put up with something that you do not like,but that-  Is it not just possible to change the attitude- but that it is most rewarding thing to do so go on. Differ on the name but not on the meaning. Such aspects represent issues that are not easy to resolve - nagging sources of irritation or sums that simply refuse to add up. And that, more or less, describes how you feel about a question that is now proving very difficult to answer. Stop looking for perfect solutions, just look at what might do the trick for now.  
Some people are too clever for their own good. You can't even make a simple statement to them. They have to analyse it, check it for flaws and reach a considered opinion about the matter under discussion. There are times when such acute intelligence can imbue an advantage. But there are also times when it gets applied too liberally to topics that simply don't warrant so much energy and attention. To use your discrimination most effectively today, you need to be discriminating about where to be discriminating
 We may not all be philosophers but we all have philosophies. We have ideas and beliefs. They provide us with the mottoes and the maxims by which we lead our lives. When times get tough, when stress levels rise, we just remember whatever we believe and somehow, we feel a bit better. Or at least, that's the theory, you have begun to feel less than comfortable about an idea that once meant all the sense in the world to you. It is as if, somehow, it no longer rings true. Here, to replace it, comes a new vision.
In theory, if you ask the same question to a thousand people, selected at random, the answers you get should represent the views of an entire nation. But an awful lot depends on what kind of enquiries are made and how these are phrased. It is all too easy to use a particular form of words to elicit a particular kind of answer. An interviewee can be coaxed into giving a reply that doesn't really reflect their true feelings at all. If you want to be truly sure of a situation now, don't ask too many leading questions. 
 'People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.' It's very ambiguous. And who lives in a glass structure anyhow? Does the phrase apply only to gardeners with greenhouses? Or is it aimed at city dwellers who reside in those impressive towers of glass and steel? You would think that if they had such expensive abodes, they would be out working to earn money to pay for curtains! Take care, not to make yourself more vulnerable by trying to protect yourself.
 Do we make our own luck? We can't always control the cards that are dealt to us in the great game of life but we always have a say in how we play them. No hand is hopeless - and some combinations, whilst they may appear to promise a win, can still be mishandled. How do you currently feel about your relationship with the forces of fortune? They are neither blessing nor cursing you. They are just putting you in a position that, if you now apply a little intelligence and effort, you can swiftly turn to your advantage. 
We make decisions one way when we are acting entirely on our own behalf. We start to think along very different lines when we are representing someone else's interests, especially when that person means a lot to us or when we care about the consequences that will ensue if they are left in an unsatisfactory situation as a result of our choices and actions. That's natural and quite as it should be, although it is worth noting that such concern can undermine courage. Can you be strong enough now, not to be weak? 
 'Abdicate all responsibility, make no choices, be passive and take whatever life throws at you.' That's a bad philosophy at the best of times and absolutely the wrong attitude for you to take now. Be assertive and succeed.
 About the experience of driving through fog, just get out of your car and give your window a wipe, all that mist would vanish. And there is another temptation that must be resisted. The fog is probably patchy. In a few more miles you may well hit an area where the sky is clear again. But it doesn't follow from that, that you should speed up and try to get through the murky place as fast as possible. You have to proceed with caution for a while longer.
Dare you think the unthinkable? Why not? Surely you can think it! In what way does just thinking about something make it real? You may understand that, when an attitude changes, all sorts of possibilities present themselves.It can do no harm to experiment with an idea. If you don't like where it seems to be taking you, you can pull back and bury it in the basement of your consciousness long before it takes over. Be bravely creative

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