Sunday, 9 June 2013

Once you have done what you know you must, you can get on with enjoying the week. You may, though, suspect that once you've done this, you won't be in a mood to enjoy anything. It's funny, isn't it, how we can sometimes set our minds against plans that deep down, we know will bring benefit. Your reservations and doubts are merely delaying the moment when you have to sweep them aside and take the only obvious course of action. Trust what you inwardly know to be true and all will be well this week
You can cope with almost any situation, as long as you know where you stand. It is only uncertainty that you find exhausting and disempowering. Lately, you have been obliged to act as if you feel supremely confident whilst secretly suppressing a series of bothersome questions. As you have never been a great pretender, this has not sat well with you. Soon, you'll get the information you need and you'll discover that, by and large, it supports your brightest aspiration, not your most fearful theory.
 Sometimes, though, the only way to be truly safe is to find out what it is actually like to be sorry! The 'strong ingredient' in your current situation is one that you need to learn how to handle people and situations. Better to take a risk than live in fear.We have explanations for just about everything. They work well, as long as you don't look at them too closely. Don't spend all time attempting to attain the unattainable. Just enjoy all that's good.The object of getting a balance is not necessarily to stay in one place. If you can get it and maintain it, you can really start to move! 
Think of cars, planes or even space rockets. Weight distribution is a crucial factor in the successful design of such vehicles. They can go a long way if everything is in the right place. Despite your current concerns, you now benefit from a cosmic climate that is allowing you to prepare yourself well for a great journey. We live on the same tiny ball of rock that spins relentlessly as it hurtles through space. Our deeds affect one another... and so too, in only a slightly more subtle way, do our thoughts. Who is now really driving the decision that you find yourself in the process of making? You are about to learn more about the hidden influences that are acting upon you.
Most people seem to worry far more about wasting money than they do about wasting time. Which of these two commodities, though, is really the most precious?Once you have done what you know you must, you can get on with enjoying . You may, though, suspect that once you've done this, you won't be in a mood to enjoy anything. It's funny, isn't it, how we can sometimes set our minds against plans that deep down, we know will bring benefit. 
Your reservations and doubts are merely delaying the moment when you have to sweep them aside and take the only obvious course of action. Trust what you inwardly know to be true and all will be well.  Is a blade a good thing, a bad thing - or a dangerous thing? It all depends on what use it is being put to. We can say something similar about certainty. In one way, it keeps us sharp. If we don't have faith in what we know, we can't operate effectively or speak with authority. But if we never doubt ourselves, we never evolve or learn. 
Uncertainty is uncomfortable. None of us like to feel it for too long. Lately, though, it has been appropriate for you to explore a doubt. Soon, you will return to a state of quieter clarity.Our worst enemies are often the people who used to be our friends. Sometimes, too, though, our best friends can be the people who used to be our enemies. If you can overcome a hurdle of tension and build a bridge across the chasm of conflict, you can create a bond with amazing strength. Think of, 'acquired tastes'. Remember the foods you had to learn to like. We value most the things we have fought hardest to attain. Lately, you have gone through a difficult struggle. You may be about to see what the point of it really was.

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