Monday, 17 June 2013

Even in a free society, some things that must never be said. Generally, we accept and respect these taboos. We may even try to censor our private thoughts accordingly. Just imagine how we might feel if  you allow certain ideas into your mind, you are free to think whatever you please and it is important that you do. Remember you will get your fair share too!
 Alcohol poisons the liver and the kidneys. But at least it briefly gives rise to some pleasure. Resentment is a psychological poison but it is infinitely more dangerous. Even a small amount can do irreparable harm to our peace of mind and, perhaps more crucially, to our judgement. Often, people who experience resentment become drunk on it without even realising that this has happened. If you can't change whatever it is that you are now starting to resent, you have to apply the only known antidote - and find a way to love it. Get rid of addiction.
'What a tangled web we weave when first we practise to deceive.' Sir Walter. It doesn't justify our efforts to deceive others. Indeed, often conscious, deliberate deceptions stay surprisingly straightforward because all involved in keeping them up are so careful. The real complications arise when we attempt to deceive ourselves, when we go into denial or rewrite reality to suit our fantasy. If something now seems hard to understand, that's the place to start making sense of it. You will feel less aware of the need to fit into someone else's framework or to comply with rules that previously seemed too intense to challenge. Several of your most important interpersonal relationships will become more rewarding. It isn't yet time for this change to become a reality. But it is now safe to start being far less worried about such matters,believe in god's justice.
What should we conclude when we do our best but it seems that our best isn't good enough? We can't do better than our best, can we? No, but we can stop to consider whether what we are doing really is 'our best'. What, for example, if we are giving our best to an ill-chosen solution? Or to a campaign that has not been properly thought through? What if our best effort ought to be directed to an attempt to see some other potential solution to a problem?We are all creatures of habit. We like to know what's expected of us - and what, in this world of constant flux, we can expect to stay the same. To deepen that sense of safety, we adhere to routines. We don't just eat much the same thing for breakfast every day; we nurture opinions and beliefs that we are very reluctant ever to allow ourselves to alter.Life now offers you that freedom. Don't see it as a threat.
We love magic knowingly that all such powers are entirely imaginary. Yet we all work spells and send 'energised wishes' out into the world. They may rarely bring us instant results but that doesn't mean that they have no impact at all. The delay in a dream coming true shouldn't be seen as proof that it will never come true. We enjoy the sense of being at risk so much more when we are reasonably satisfied that there is no real risk or a genuine danger.  Believe that all is going to be fine, regardless of how things may seem.
A little applied psychology can go a long way. If, for example, you need to explain something to someone, it is always a good idea to put yourself in their shoes. What might make your hackles rise or your doubts surface? The art of communication has a lot to do with empathy and understanding. Look, for example, at your current discomfort, regarding a situation from which you feel estranged. What might you like to hear from someone else, in order to help you feel better about it?
 'If you repeat a lie often enough, it becomes the truth.' The origins of this phrase are much older than most people think. And actually, when it comes to rewriting the story of our own lives, we are all spin-doctors! In some areas of life, we all tend to keep saying what we wish was true in the hope that by believing it - and encouraging others to do the same - we may manage to make it true. Sometimes, it can even happen. But now, it might be better to see the actual truth.
There are two ways in which people try to get other people to comply with their wishes. They either employ force or friendliness. The latter technique calls for a great deal of subtlety. If you are going to mount a charm offensive, you had better make sure that the emphasis here is on charm and not offence! But there are many drawbacks that arise when people try to throw their weight around. Why is someone now being nice to you? Is there a hidden agenda? Even if there is, it may be wiser to encourage a climate of trust.
Remember the tale of the magic porridge pot? Whatever you put into it got duplicated, replicated, increased and expanded. If porridge went in, porridge came out and many hungry mouths were fed. But what if something else got put inside the pot instead? Something unpleasant, something undesirable, something you might never want more of, only less of. Like, for example, a fear, a problem or a grievance. What, in your life now, is being inadvertently amplified where it really ought to be diligently decreased? Only you can fix that.

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