Thursday 12 July 2012


It is," says Professor Mathews, "only by continued, strenuous efforts, repeated again and again, day after day,  week after week, and month after month, that the ability can be acquired to fasten the mind to one subject, however abstract or knotty, to the exclusion of everything else. The process of obtaining this self-mastery--this complete command of one's mental powers--is a gradual one, its length varying with the mental constitution of each person; but its acquisition is worth infinitely more than the utmost labor it ever costs."                          
  "Perhaps the most valuable result of all education," it was said by Professor Huxley, "is the ability to make yourself do the thing you have to do when it ought to be done, whether you like it or not; it is the first lesson which ought to be learned, and, however early a man's training begins, it is probably the last lesson which he SHOULD LEARN.The mental reservoir of most people is like a leaky dam which we sometimes see in the country, where the greater part of the water flows out without going over the wheel and doing the work of the mill. The habit of  mind-wandering, of worrying about this and that.   The way to learn to run is to run, the way to learn to swim is to swim. The way to learn to develop will-power is by the actual exercise of will-power in the business of life.      "There are no two words in the English language which stand out in bolder relief------I WILL. It talks to you of triumph over difficulties, of victory in the face of discouragement, of will to promise and strength to perform,   learns thoroughly."  to live is to achieve, to will without ceasing.There is no chance, will alone is great, so believe  there is no luck,no destiny  no fate. it is  only your willpower.

There is always room for a man of force.--Emerson.

The king is the man who can.--Carlyle.

Will power  enable  any person to do desired things,so will power is compared at once to the rudder and to the steam engine of a vessel, on which the confined and related actions depends.

"Conscious power," says Mellès, "exists within the mind of every one. Sometimes its existence is unrealized, but it is there. It is there to be developed and brought forth, like the culture of that obstinate but beautiful flower, the orchid. To allow it to remain dormant is to place one's self in obscurity, to trample on one's ambition, to smother one's faculties. To develop it is to individualize all that is best within you, and give it to the world. It is by an absolute knowledge of yourself, the proper estimate of your own value."

"There is hardly a reader," says an experienced educator, "who will not be able to recall the early life of at least one young man whose childhood was spent in poverty, and who, in boyhood, expressed a firm desire to secure a higher education. If, a little later, that desire became a declared resolve, soon the avenues opened to that end. That desire and resolution to improve self:-   To prosper you must improve your brain power; and nothing helps the brain more than a healthy body. The race of to-day is only to be won by those who will study to keep their bodies in such good condition that their minds are able and ready to sustain that high pressure on memory and mind, which our present fierce competition engenders. It is health rather than strength that is now wanted. Health is essentially the requirement of our time to enable us to succeed in life. Our great need of the world to-day is for a robustness of health .Men and women who are good animals. To endure the strain of our concentrated civilization, the coming man and woman must have an excess of animal spirits. They must have mental power to be superior to animals.  Some do not like to be beaten by difficulties  instead they rise above their physical difficulties patiently and do wonders in any area of life giving lead by example to next generation to follow.
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