Saturday, 14 July 2012


Though there are number of problem in our day to day life but we can overcome by working on them.How?Let us play a simple game.The word attitude has greatest numbers,if we add them according to their actual number counting as A-1,b-2,so T-20 and by adding up we will get 100 numbers.So attitude is highest scored word,in our real life attitude will settle all outcome.Then hard work- 98 numbers.attitude and hardwork will decide what we will get by our luck,luck =47 number is also adding up our success rate.Love will get 54 numbers,money will get 72 numbers and knowledge will get 96 numbers,if we add up by their alphabetically numbers. So in future every one should work on with positive attitude by working hard with perfect knowledge then by good luck we get success.

So attitude is first to joyous and wonderful world.Lift your mind from lower level to higher level. so identify the problem and give proper solutions as poverty problem is solved by growing rich,illness ends only when we become healthy ,depression will be cured by proper medicines and meditation.To reach the root cause of problem,study the factors responsible for.Happiness is a mental state which is not dependent on outer  circumstances.If you are happy then you would not bother about any other developments,and if you are sad no outer state will bring your happiness back.Take your bodily plane above the clouds because clouds will always be there in sky.

A strong determination to be happy  will help,do not wait for circumstances to change,do not make unhappiness  CHRONIC HABIT,it will ruin you.If you possess happiness you possess everything.To be happy is to be in tune with god.That power comes through meditation.You have to see yourself that awakening and wound  before healing,heal yourself and move on!

Shift your attention to lighter and brighter side .Detach your mind by controlling your thoughts to get  inner peace and contentment,which is result of commune with GOD and your unconditional love for whole of the world.Darkness is absence of light,to dispel darkness we have to look within,to be enlightened. We have to realize that this world is limited to I and my .You and we come afterwards.All given solution  will create only problems for you because nobody is ready to consider you,only you and yourself are important for you at every  given time,that is the main reason for hate,conflicts and misery. truth is in your beingness .Happiness is a state of being and how happy we are!  What will happen in this world without me,nothing special. world will go on as ever only I will not be here.So it is I who will miss this world.

We are  spiritual being.When soul is attached with body we experience all physical,mental-emotional problems.Never give keys of your happiness to others.Mend your ways before nature punish you by way of disease or any other incident to teach you a lesson.We are all blessed  children of god and have potential for a perfect life,potential to achieve great things like others have.Do good and ignite hidden power to experience blissful state.So cultivate your mind body and  soul to take powerful dimensions that you never ever thought!

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