Monday 16 July 2012

WOMEN continue....women nature&what is to be woman

Woman is  a beautiful gift of god.Men can not do without women and women can not do without men.Then why both are engaged in making hell for each other?Both are moving onto new relationships only to discover that all is same,they perhaps forget that outer relationships are reflection of inner relationship,we have with ourselves.we are equal as human beings, as God’s children. I know that men control our planet, expect to control the universe and the majority abuse their power and control. It is obvious that women are still struggling to achieve the position that God has assigned to them and believe that all women share a basic nature. Our interior nature, or inner-self experiences, and, our exterior nature or the way we feel and interpret our world, our surroundings, culture, education, social status, and time. Our inner and external lives are related and interconnected. Our external life influences our inner Self, but does not determine who we are. Our inner life needs to be free to manifest in our external world so that we can change and transform our exterior.Women share in the way, we feel and express those feelings through our bodies. Our body manifests our femininity, which comes from within, but it usually conforms to our environment. The way we dress, act, and communicate is a reflection of our culture, educational level, and social status, and an expression of how we feel, how we see ourselves and how we think others see us. As women, we have the necessity to understand our image, our identity, our essence-our true nature .

If our beliefs and values come from what we learned, the way we perceive the world, interpret our experiences, and from what we believe to be true; then we can be certain that our fundamental values and beliefs come from a male perspective. Men taught for centuries the roots and traditions that define who women are and how we should be. Men expect women to raise their children with patriarchal values and a “male- dominant” belief system.And very idea meant to interpret the world has a standing point of view and/or a belief system. Women have to convince the men that are in power and control positions, & our point of view regarding our understanding and interpretation of the world. The war between the sexes has substituted the war against the spiritual forces that are feeding this war. This battle is “not against flesh and blood, but against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.”

Being a woman has not been easy for me; I have suffered abuse and rejection from men and chauvinistic women, but I have found love and respect too. I learned that my battle is not against men, but against the belief system, against the “schemas” that involve us in wrong beliefs and emotions. Also against the lies that make you believe that women are guilty of the sins of the world, that women are: dumb, weak, silly, ignorant, emotional, incapable to lead, lacking authority, only mothers, prostitutes, a possession, an object of pleasure, house cleaners, diaper cleaners, cookers, the man rib and/or their helpers, among others. .We are here:-To share with God beauty and creativity, a greater capacity for love, compassion and forgiveness; a rational mind, but also an emotional nature that strives for relationship, marriage and family unity.

Time is always fit for a change,women have  to show their abilities to the world.not as a thing but as a human being.Women power is indeed great but still the universality of female subordination exists every where,in every type of society.We do not know the reason but it had been carry forward since  ti me unknown.  .Logically every society assumes the inferiority of women, the logic is highly persuasive this is the main reason:why people still subscribing to this notion?.In India and China women is worshiped as goddess but at home the same devaluation of women continue.Elements of cultural ideology and informants statements that explicitly devalue women according to them ,their roles,tasks,their products and their social milieux less presige than are accorded men and the male correlates,symbolic devices and social structural arrangements that exclude women from participating in or contact with some realm in which the highest powers of the society are felt to reside

Certainly, female exclusion from the most sacred rite or the highest political council is sufficient evidence. Certainly, explicit cultural ideology devaluing women (and their tasks roles, products, etc.) is sufficient evidence. Symbolic indicators such as defilement are usually sufficient, although in a few cases in which, say, men and women are equally polluting to one another, a further indicator is required-men throughout history, by arguing that women’s subordinate status is a result of the human mindset that human culture is superior to nature, that culture is man’s way of subduing nature.

 Sherry B.Ortner argues that women are largely identified with nature because they are the ones who give birth, and thus create new life. Women must devote a greater portion of their time and body than procreation than men, as they have more body parts and functions, such as breasts and menstruation, that solely exist for the purpose of having children. They are seen as being more connected to children. Therefore, society often confines women to a domestic familial role, freeing up the men to pursue more “cultural” endeavors like art or religion.  Children themselves are viewed as primitive humans, not yet civilized by the affects of culture. As women are the ones who raise children, transforming them into sophisticated adults.Nonetheless, “Women [during menstruation] formerly rode inferior horses and  evidently this loomed as a source of contamination, for they were not allowed to approach either a wounded man or men starting on a war party. A taboo still lingers against their coming near sacred objects at these time,as a result women are not only naturally subordinate but in general quite satisfied with their position,since it affords them protection and the opportunity to maximize maternal pleasures, which to them are the most satisfying experiences of  life. Without going into a detailed refutation of this position.

Not all women are under such a state,now women have gain strength and fighting for theri rights and justice.But blessed are few,they have to come forward and help others.

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