Tuesday, 12 March 2013

 Nothing happens until something moves. Sentiments expressed by Albert Einstein  are matched to us in general who said" Everyday I remind myself that my inner and outer life are based on the labours of other men,living or dead,and that even myself in order to give the same measure as I have received and am still receiving." This may you described as habit of thanksgiving or gratitude. Indeed whatever we are enjoying today is labour of others and we must contribute ours to keep going this world by avoiding our laziness.
Henry David Thoreau taught that when you comparing the impact of focusing on preventing disease instead of merely treating it-" for every thousand people hacking at the leaves of evil,there is one striking at the roots". So the focus should be on optimization through developing an ethical character,transparent motivation and superb competence for superior results.
Relationships of all things are deep rooted in trust that is deep practical and comprehensive, waves of trust  are inside out  approach,like a pebble thrown into a pond. While hope is forever when you get inspired and your attitude is optimistic in ever situation that comes in your way through life.
As we are moving fast into interdependent reality,trust is key factor which compels all alike to be transparent without any hidden agendas,politics,conflict and protective in communication. Actually trust works as a hidden stream which feeds all the surface wells and fields.Trust is pragmatic approach to practical day to day life!

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