Saturday, 16 March 2013


Rules. Are they really made to be broken? Some are. Some aren't. Break the ones that are and you'll feel better about the ones that aren't! Trouble. Won't you get into that if you cross the lines that you ought to keep within? Well what do you think you are in now? But a degree of trouble keeps life interesting. You've just got into a position where you seem to be chewing more than you wish you'd ever bitten off. Swallow what you can. Break the rest into bite-size chunks. Then keep your mouth shut a while. All will be fine!  Why are we attracted to some people and keen to keep a distance from others? We don't really know. We may have our theories, but there is no real way to test them and we aren't especially interested. We are too busy feeling what we feel and then having our reaction. Until, that is, we see we may need to overcome an instinctive response and take a wider view. In your world now there is someone you are not so sure of. Yet within the potential relationship there could be something very good. 
Why are we attracted to some people and keen to keep a distance from others? We don't really know. We may have our theories, but there is no real way to test them and we aren't especially interested. We are too busy feeling what we feel and then having our reaction. Until, that is, we see we may need to overcome an instinctive response and take a wider view. In your world now there is someone you are not so sure of. Yet within the potential relationship there could be something very good. Priorities change. Circumstances alter. Policies, once perfect for solving a particular problem, later become redundant and problematic in their own right. You understand all this. You know the importance of growth and exploration. Yet in one key area of your emotional life, you have become a creature of habit. Anything other than the familiar routine seems wrong to you. Don't resist the change that's now taking place in your heart. It may be a bit unnerving, even challenging, but fundamentally, it is good.
From tiny acorns, mighty oaks grow.' But who has time to wait for that in this day and age? These are times when new brands and companies spring up from nowhere to achieve global success... almost overnight. We now expect emotional enterprises to be similarly speedy. You now need to resolve a stressful issue. But all you can do is set in motion the best possible process for long-term improvement. Do that and, almost magically, the other oaks in the forest will do what they can to protect your seedling!

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