Wednesday, 13 March 2013

When ocean waves reach the shore, they come rolling in from many miles away. Who knows how far they have come? Yet when they finally break on a sandy beach, they pose no great challenge to the passing pedestrian who wants to avoid getting their feet wet. Take just a few steps back and you can instantly avoid making a connection with a force that may have covered half of the entire globe in an effort to connect with you. What magic is now trying to make its way into your life? Shouldn't you let it happen? 
There's a lovely old phrase in the English language. When people face challenge or they need to achieve something significant, they try to encourage each other by saying, 'Put your best foot forward.' I've always found this idea a little confusing. Which is my best foot? They both look much the same to me,  I think this indicates there would be one that I might instinctively rely on more than the other. It is simply that kind of a distinction that you need to make sometimes to Do your best.You don't like to be pushed and persuaded. You resent being coaxed and cajoled. Once your mind is made up about a matter, it will only ever change in one way and that's if you reach a different conclusion after many hours of careful consideration and contemplation. That's not a character defect; it is a personality asset. 
Alchemy, so the history books say, is a quest for the secret formula that will turn lead into gold. As far as we know, nobody has ever been successful. Maybe they have yet discovered that the formula works only when you keep it a secret. So they can't tell anyone! But that's all guess
One thing we can be sure of is that however well alchemy might work as a chemical process, it serves an excellent function as a metaphor. In your life now, something dull and even slightly poisonous is being turned into something wonderful. 
 Why are there nearly seven billion people on this planet? Isn't that number a little excessive? I mean, how many do you personally need to coexist with, to be in love with, to interact with? Even if we took a very wide view and assumed that you also needed some to be annoyed by, to take exception to and to pit yourself against - indeed, even if we make some allowance for spares in case of damage or loss, there is definitely a surplus. Yet one particular person is most definitely in your life for a reason now. Value that.
Even the fanciest restaurants don't have swanky kitchens. The tables out front may be solid oak. The cutlery may be silver. But back at the sharp end, where the heat is applied and the ingredients are mixed, there are no extravagant fixtures and fittings. We don't want a working kitchen to look glamorous; we just want it to be clean. Indeed, if it isn't, it doesn't matter how much it cost to install or who designed it. The real question you must ask today is, what is the true state of whatever lies behind a story or a situation. Imagine planting a seed in the perfect position, just at the right temperature, at the ideal time of year. So far, so appropriate - as an investment for future growth. Now, suppose you draw up a chair next to your seedling and sit over it with a megaphone yelling, 'Hurry up and get going'. No matter how much you may wish that you could reap the fruit of a harvest, you just can't make the process happen a moment faster than it naturally needs to take. You have now done all you can to move a process on. Relax.
Luck is a little like a supermarket trolley. If you push it too far, it may run away from you. It may even crash into something or someone, creating all kinds of trouble that you may then have to deal with. Yet if you don't push it at all, it isn't going to go anywhere! You may need to look now at whether the wheels on your trolley of fortune are clear and unimpeded. Misplaced fears, desires and resentments can often result in blockages and unsatisfactorily biased progress. But otherwise, your luck is now good enough to move you on.
 Let us not waste each other's time today, discussing the various things that probably can't happen and the reasons why we would be unwise to expect any change in that. Let us assume, for the sake of argument, that you are stuck with circumstances much as they currently stand and that you would be best advised to accept as much. Even so, none of that implies a state of complete hopelessness. There are still some things that very definitely can happen and some of those options are extremely positive, as you will soon see.'And you're always there to lend a hand in everything I do, that's the wonder, the wonder of you.' So goes the old Ray Peterson song made famous by Elvis Presley. So, who might be inclined to sing that about you these days? And might they be over-egging the psychological pudding if they were to express such a sentiment. Probably not. You make a true friend and a loyal companion. Now if you had to sing this song to someone, who would you have in mind? Would they deserve such praise? It looks as if they just might.   
There's an old saying in the English language, 'You can't have your cake and eat it.' I've seen various philosophers make unsatisfactory attempts to explain what this is. Most agree that it is a way of saying, 'You either have to take advantage of a resource or keep it for a time when it might be more appropriate to use it. But once that resource has been exhausted, it will no longer be an option. To all intents and purposes, you can have your cake and eat it.   

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