Friday, 15 March 2013


 Do baby sparrows have to attend aerodynamic instruction classes? Are they taught the rudiments of navigation by the older birds? Do they have to read books and pass exams? Or do they somehow, instinctively, just 'know' what to do? We are all of us, naturally, far more capable than we realise. We take our intellect too seriously and pay insufficient heed to the more subtle inner voice of our intuition. Right now, you have a very strong feeling about something. You are completely right to trust and do the needful at right time.
When opportunity is knocking at your door. You can, of course, close the curtains and pretend that you are not at home. You could even sneak quietly out of the back door and go somewhere else entirely, returning only after your great chance has given up and turned away. But why would you want to do that? Unless, just possibly, you are anxious and apprehensive. Perhaps you fear it is wrong type of opportunity.The world is full of tacit agreements and implied understandings. They are rarely written down. 
There's no easy way to do what must be done. You must take account of a particular 'hard fact' and act accordingly. If you try to ignore it, events will oblige you to sit up and take notice. You face a difficult decision that is likely to involve compromise or temporary hardship. But no matter how you try to sweeten or soften it, the move is one you have long needed to make. Be honourable, courageous, wise, firm yet moderate. Then you'll get results that are right in every way. Should you be preparing yourself for stress, struggle, tension and trouble? Absolutely not!  
collect inner strength and reliable support.
You will see the truth in this all the more swiftly if you adopt a more optimistic attitude. Difficulties find it much easier to make their way into our lives when they realise that we are busily preparing for them. Work on the assumption that you face nothing you can't cope with... and you will rapidly find that this is the case
Let us assume that you are hungry. If you see something that looks nice to eat, you're likely to assume it must be right for you. It's hard to stand back and ask: 'Would this food still appeal to me if my tummy weren't rumbling?' A need, though, should be understood for what it is... just as a potential source of fulfilment should also be appraised objectively. So, try not to want something so badly that you're prepared to accept almost any chance of temporary satisfaction and hold out for what's truly the best.
Imagine a wobbly table. You can't write on it or eat off it easily, because the legs are not all on the floor. So  you adjust the legs in an attempt to get it level. But now, it wobbles in another place. On you go, until the table has no legs left. It is just a piece of wood lying flat on the floor... still wobbling! Far better to stuff a bit of card under the short leg. Always wiser to add than subtract.  Subtract problems, You don't now need to get rid of anything from your life.As sometimes, you criticise yourself, unjustly. You turn down opportunities; either because you suspect you do not deserve to be offered them or because you fear that, if you do accept, you will blow your chance and then feel twice as bad. You get passionate about things that can only cause trouble.
Life is full of questions we can never hope to answer satisfactorily and mysteries that we will probably never manage to solve. We are all aware of this but we have long since mastered the art of ignoring such perplexing paradoxes. We find that if we don't dwell on them too much, we can kind of pretend that they are not there. Specially when somewhere in your world, someone is making a great fuss about one particular uncertainty. Yet it remains an uncertainty. Don't turn a hypothetical, theoretical problem into a real one!
Never do your supermarket shopping when you're hungry, never negotiate a contract when feeling insecure, never set out on a journey when you're in a rush. All good advice, but not always so easy to take. Needs must be responded to, regardless of how right the time may be. You now have a rare chance to plan for a future requirement while there's still enough time to consider it carefully. Don't wait till you have run out of options. Strike while the iron is Luke warm and you'll avoid the risk of scorching yourself later. Sometimes pulling back and wait is wise wisdom to maintain your independence and avoiding unpleasant people.
Be gentle, be subtle, be sensitive. You do not need to assert yourself or to make a dramatic gesture. Your greatest request has been heard by a kind cosmos. It is already doing all it can to support you. But your order is tall. It may take a while to fulfil it. Have faith. Act as if you are quietly confident of success with a key plan or project. If, for any reason, you do not get the outcome that you are hoping for it will only be because an even better possibility is on offer - one that you have so far failed to spot. But are you sure you're fighting for (and against) the right things? Be willing to rethink an old point of view.
If you are genuinely enjoying life, it hardly matters what trouble you face. If you are not enjoying your life you can be surrounded by all the trappings of wealth and success yet they will not make a shred of difference to your inner experience. Happiness is not just 'a bit more important' than money or power - it is infinitely more important. Furthermore, if you do have happiness, you tend, automatically, to summon whatever power or money you truly need.

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