Wednesday, 20 March 2013


The latest news from the International Convention of Guardian Angels is that strike action may well be imminent. It isn't that the angels aren't unhappy about their remuneration package or their hours and conditions of employment. Nor do they feel that they should be granted additional powers to help them compete with modern technology. They simply feel aggrieved because the beneficiaries of their generosity fail to notice the opportunities they have created for them. Help avert a heavenly picket line; show them some appreciation!A desire to 'do the right thing' is a strong, natural urge that motivates every human. It only ever leads to trouble - because sometimes our idea of what the 'right thing' is clashes and contrasts with someone else's definition. Trouble can also come when we prioritise 'being seen to do what most people would think of as right', over doing what we truly know to be right. Worst of all is 'wanting so badly to believe that we are right', that we somehow justify what can only be wrong. You don't know anyone who's doing any of that.We ourselves indulge in something s we never guess how dangerous are they for our mental peace and happiness. Love and compassion are necessities and humanity and can not survive without them. Honour and spread love and compassion the world around you!

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