Friday, 1 March 2013


The upward path is not always entirely straight. The road may dip, briefly, before it ascends. To get up a mountain, you may first have to pass through a valley. As you do this, you can easily look at some other road, one that leads straight to a small hill, and assume that this is a much better path to take. Deep down in your heart, you know exactly why you must let something fall before it rises again. An inspiring revelation could yet fill you with positive emotional energy and justified new hope.You are not going to get an easy outcome whatever you do. You can even try cultivating a different expectation or altering a belief. Adapt by all means. Better to bend than break. But better still to forget the idea that you can now alter someone else's mind about what matters, even if you can challenge and adjust your own. 
There's a difference of opinion and it is not going to get resolved. There are two incompatible needs that must somehow both be accommodated. The idea of all this is actually worse than the reality!  Why can't you be more like everyone else? Why must you be so determinedly, defiantly, different? All the other people in your world seem able to toe the line. So what's your problem? You now seem to be cultivating an outrageous idea. It is sure to create controversy. You can, if you want to, pursue a policy that is far more normal and ordinary. But you really don't feel inclined to take such an option. Rightly so. Find the courage to acknowledge what you truly feel in your heart of hearts and trust that now.
Is there an elephant in the room? Is there a topic that nobody's talking about, a reality that everyone wants to ignore? Are distractions being created? Are delay and displacement techniques being employed? Would certain people rather do anything other than look at the one thing that really needs looking at and dealing with? And might there be, somewhere within this silly situation, a way for you to benefit? You can't make others acknowledge the elephant... but you can at least start learning how to be a mahout.  Some scientists say that all the continents on Earth were more or less just one big landmass. They split apart millions of years ago and drifted on the ocean until they reached their current positions. Are you perhaps now feeling thousands of miles apart from someone (or something) that you can sense you 'belong to' at some fundamental level? If so, you need not wait many more millions of years before such a wrong is put right. A new era of healing and hope in your emotional life is about to begin.   You can't win. You can't really lose either, but that's not the point. You want, or think you want, a particular outcome to a specific process. You can keep on wanting this for a long time to come. I'm not saying you won't eventually get it... or something along those lines. But do you really know what's best... for you or for the situation?
 You're in a situation more sensitive and finely-balanced than a conclave of cardinals. Before making big choices, you'd best consider what the cosmos may have already chosen for you!  Flour, eggs, milk, sugar, butter. These same ingredients can create several different dishes. Many things can be constructed or created out of similar raw material so we must be careful not to assume that we know how a situation is going to turn out, just because we can recognise a little of what it contains. As you move into the next phase of your personal, emotional development, you may feel you know what an unfolding drama is leading up to. But there are surprises in store. All things must pass. Some things, though, pass pleasantly. Others leave our lives under a cloud or fill us with sadness when they go. A hopeful change has come lately. You're excited in one way, nervous in another. You rightly sense that the time will come when things must change again. If, though, you respond in the right way to this, there will be no pain on the day when that opportunity no longer exists. Only a glorious memory and a lasting improvement. Trust what's in your heart now and all will yet be joyous.           
You've got a choice to make. It would be easier to make it if you only knew more about a sensitive situation. But no matter how much you find out, you won't ever know all there is to know. Often, it is much trickier to proceed with confidence, feeling sure that you've got all the facts than to go ahead gingerly, aware that at any moment you could be surprised. Regardless of how tempted you may feel to take a pessimistic view, you cannot be sure that there's trouble in store. So choose out of inspiration, not fear! What goes up must come down. But there are various forms and speeds of descent, some far preferable to others. You are right to suspect that a particular 'good thing' can't last forever. But you are wrong to feel that it's going to end any moment now - or that, whenever it does end, the end is going to be painful. You have more control over your situation than you imagine. You can't make everything in your emotional life go the way you want; but, with a little clever planning, you can avoid many problems.
 Find out what is in store for you is everybody's concern. .You don't know all there is to know! And that's one thing you definitely do know! Why, then, am I reminding you? Because I suspect that you suspect this makes you unsuitable to carry out a duty. But it is actually the very fact that you doubt yourself that means you're likely to think twice before you reach a decision. Better to be unsure than arrogant when it comes to the best way to proceed within an emotionally tense situation. Keep an open mind, have an open heart, retain an open option on the best possible future. What kind of an adventure would you like to embark on? One where all the options are chosen in advance? One where all the risks have been thoroughly assessed? One where the outcome is already known? One on which the rules will never be broken and the underlying assumptions are never challenged? That would not be much. Of course it's nerve-racking. But it is also, potentially, brilliant. Trust and move on an adventure. What you are on now is a true journey into unexplored territory.

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