Friday, 8 March 2013


When some people see a wrong that needs righting or a problem that ought to be solved, they just do their best to look the other way. They don't consider themselves obliged to get involved, even if the situation links directly to a loved one or close companion. You, by contrast, have to be dissuaded from leaping to the defence of perfect strangers. That's an admirable quality. You should never have to apologise for it and nor should you feel as if somehow, it needs to be kept in check. In any process of negotiation, there must be an element of give and take. You can't engage in what will hopefully prove a constructive conversation if you are simply unwilling to bend by so much as an inch or give even the tiniest amount of ground. There must be something that you are willing to let go of, just as there must be something that someone else is equally prepared to put aside if they have to.
 The sooner you move beyond emotive expressions and into the realm of trade and exchange, the easier it will all be. there are some restrictions that you don't have to be bound by. Wish you could fulfil more of your potential?You don't need a show of force or to conduct a dramatic campaign. Simply let it be knows that you have taken a position from which you have no intention of moving. From that point onwards, you can be quiet and calm, relaxed and reasonable, easy-going and approachable. Even if you are dealing with a difference of opinion that is intense and touches on some deep beliefs and powerful emotions, you can express yourself in a way that is sophisticated and civilised. That will make it much more likely that others do the same.
Fairy tales can come true, it can happen to you, when you're young at heart.  You just have to remain childlike and you will end up with everything you hoped for? One part of you now is keen to take a more mature stance on a sensitive matter. You feel that this will afford you more protection than some naive attitude. And so it will. You don't want a fairy tale to come true for now. You just want something that is real and right. 
 When people say 'no', we know where we stand with them. But what if they say 'yes'? Then we have to wait to assess their behaviour. Some folk are only too happy to offer their agreement but then prove reluctant to back this up with action. You just need to know that you have got genuine support from someone who truly can make a difference.You have got to stop thinking about how things were. It would do you no harm either, to stop worrying about how they might be one day. There is too much emphasis on the theoretical and not enough focus now on the actual and the practical. If you suspect that the outcome of a key process is going to be anything other than good, you are wrong. Focus your energy and attention on getting the right things done in the best possible way. That will make it easier for the universe to deliver what it most wants to bring you - the best.We Want to know more about what your future holds?
There are some very good reasons why certain lines of separation exist in your life now. Don't be too quick to start dissolving these.Your outlook, currently, is what could best be described as a little mixed. Up one moment, down the next. Generally, you feel a mood of inspiration which is occasionally interrupted by waves of defeatism. Better that than to suffer a sense of ongoing pessimism, punctuated by intermittent (and short-lived) bursts of enthusiasm. What you will soon find, if it hasn't started to happen already, is that the ups take you higher each time and that the downs become significantly less sustained and less sustainable.
 Now is the right time for you to take an in-depth, up close and personal look at your life .to take advantage of the influence. Primarily, it blesses you with tremendous concentration, accompanied by a remarkable amount of stamina. No matter what is in your way, what is working against you or what you feel intimidated by, it really is now possible for you to make the most amazing progress.The cosmic blueprint of your life was written in code across the sky at the moment you were born. 

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