Wednesday, 27 March 2013


To sort out solutions first we have to identify what our problems are? Pliny the Elder's fine book on natural history contained one unfortunate misunderstanding about ostriches. This spawned the myth that such creatures think they can hide from the world, just by hiding their own heads. The speed at which this fable took root, cannot be entirely blamed on the ancient Roman author. People liked it because they identified with it. We would all rather like to feel that if we can't see a problem, perhaps the problem can't see us.
 But  you need to look a difficulty square in the face,What inhibits you? What makes you feel nervous? Under which circumstances do you feel most inclined to retreat from the world? I ask only because, well, I know that you have gone to some lengths to keep yourself at bay from such psychological triggers. As long as you can put them out of your mind, they have less of an impact on you. But in a way, this just gives them more power.  
Cosmic influence often suggest that you need no longer be troubled, ever again, by an idea or a situation that once unnerved you.Why look at your zodiac forecast in order to find out what is due to happen today? Why not just look at your diary? If you have made enough plans, scheduled enough activities and generally accounted for the way in which you intend to spend your time, don't you already know how things are going to turn out? We often tend to imagine that we can somehow control our destiny just by being well organised. But even if it's partially true, the price we pay is a reduced ability to benefit from the magic of the moment. Don't miss out today.
They say, 'If it ain't broke, don't fix it.' Quite right too. That's good advice. But why? There are, of course, several good reasons. Not least, the possibility that if you start fiddling with a mechanism or questioning a process, you will stop it from working - or 'break it'. Often, the best thing to do when faced with an apparently precarious arrangement is just to cross your fingers and hope that it holds together. If it is really, seriously, showing signs of imminent collapse, that's different. Otherwise, go easy  and let me help you determine how much attention to apply.

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