Thursday, 16 August 2012


The soul that is without sufferings does not feel the need of knowing the ultimate cause of universe.Sickness,grief,hardships are all indispensable element in the spiritual assent.---ANANADMAYI.
GITA is a companion our energies towards a purposeful journey of life meaningfully. so focus on actions and not fruits. self contol is not self denial,it  channelising our enegries towards a purposeful end.Keep in mind that nothing is last forever.

If we cannot bear the small suffering of the moment,then why does he not put away the wrath that will bring him upon him the agonies of Hell? But this pain that wins  us the enlightenment  is  of belief terms it is like the pain of cutting out a berried arrow to heal,a physician restore health by painful courses ,then to undo much sufferings,let us bear a little.

I say next to god there is no nobler thing than suffering,God would have saved mankind therewith for we might well accuse ..of being  unfriendly to his son if he knew of something superior to suffering---- further,I maintain,no man apart from God has ever been so holy or so good as to deserve the least nobility such as smallest suffering would give-I tell you right  suffering so subdues the heart,it cannot rise to pride but perforce is lowly.-------Eckhort Tolle

Loss of passion means lack of motivation,get rod of negativity and ugly past,move on.Our social conditioning of mind is such,we should do things in pre-set mode by our society.Your fear and self doubts tell you that you are not doing as expected of you,guilt  and undue pains you suffer.Then ask  self WHO I AM AND WHY I HAVE COME HERE?

Silence has immense power,in silence you will find traces of unknown.In silence and stillness you do nothing,and paying attention to nothing is actually paying attention to everything.THE STATE OF AWAKENED is start point,then be alert and aware of minor lapse between talk,breaths and silence will discover all hidden truths,which we could never find in actions. In silence we observe stillness and in stillness we find connectedness with all.Stillness is underneath every actions and movement,from where all arises.And being aware of awareness is stillness.

So sitting alone and doing nothing only observing the outer world, controlling self and watching the voices and listening the stillness is proof of your connection with infinite.Accepting the things and circumstances as they our stillness will answer all your questions,you will have peace and contentment in inner and outer you will world.Then the formless and form -you will find both the same,this is realization, SELF-REALIZATION,finding self in form and formless.

Soul magnetism attracts us to divine blessing and all that we receive in our life,including relatives or possessions.A cheeful attitude is magnetising hope,love and faith.Every event of our life is giving a message,good or bad both has relevance,as opposites maintained the balance.

Fill  the world with passion to recreate.Spirituality build bridge between the body and mind and soul,it educate you for it tell you WHO ARE YOU?  Both  spirituality and education tells you to save the environment,reuse things to control the pollution,as  we are worst polluters on the earth, Renew your resources and thoughts. end your rivalries and divisions,end wars and killing of innocent people. Say never again this sort of things will happen.This is creating grace out of disgrace,by not repeating them again,by learning your lesson to not repeat misdeeds.How we should be think over,universe is waiting  to see you a better man or woman,extension of god as  projection of god itself.OM SHANTI.

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