Friday, 17 August 2012


When one is forced to do something,we develop distaste for that thing.But when we do something at our own sweet will,we enjoyed and feel liberated. Definition of liberations are many depends on the cases.  In spirituality when we develop an understanding within and outside,we are aware of everything.Then no body is forcing us to do so,we get awareness naturally.

 What we think ,we get.So our thinking about humanity and concept of god and our lives itself create the same for us. From our thoughts future emerges.Our behaviour patterns create experiences and firm our belief system,collecting its evidence.Living a life as it comes,no regrets,no tension lead us to peace and state of happiness.Happiness is a state of mind.Our conditioning of mind tell us how we will be happy,all our own self created notions,and then  we have huge collection of everything we wanted to have.But still not happy.

Spirituality is also a system by which we get relieved of our mind conditioning.Sooner we get rid of our old fears and beliefs,better it would be to get peace and solace.Our misunderstandings are result of not grasping facts,accepting half truths, truth is  within.Stop all mental chatters,all noise and hear the voice beneath  these noises,which is guiding us to truth.We have two bodies,one physical and another is subtle-formless. Realizing this simple truth we get freedom.But we all are busy in gratification of senses,though for living we have to make efforts to have all.But sense of detachment will liberate us from all mess we have created around

More often people come closer due to tragedies,feeling pains of the victims and their families,then there is no barrier when it comes to human spirit.Only fear of death gets us closer to god and near and dears.Otherwise either we are too busy in our own affairs or need not to reach them willingly.Such is human nature.Death reminds us the futility of things that matter us too much,death is an alarming bell to us to remind us to rise above the trivial and petty matters that very often upset us.

There is no second opinion in putting aside our all differences at the time of natural disaster,calamity or epidemic-death, we unite at such times. Then all of sudden we realised the factor,we need each other,even after death we need someone to carry dead body to the graveyard. All of sudden we  think about the futility of baggage we are carrying of differences on the base of nationality,caste or creed.It is sad we tend to forget all this very soon,all these sentiments are temporary.Spirituality always reminds us of these things on daily basis, courage to face challenges of life boldly and on humanitarian ground come closer. Spirituality has the ability to rise again above all,and this is real cause of hope.

At the time of war or natural disasters we saw countless acts of individual sacrifices,we come closer and act together on the face of adversity.Then why we do not come together on daily basis.Doctors, scientists technicians common men all work on projects which can completely transform the lives of all on the earth.Even when cannot understand why we are suffering,we could not explain,still the concept of god give us a sense of relief,a feeling of closeness and sense of god's protection,even when we have no better choice.It is impossible to find a reason behind the way nature's devices work.Strange enough that we forget all soon and present become past,soon old games start,The question is why these feeling come up only at hour of pains and grief,why the diversion of mind is short lived.

Are we selfish? Or it is natural.It is a natural thing.Introspection on daily basis will help anyone to overcome shortcomings.Feeling  good is doing good too,if we feel better we will act in better way.Our mistake is that we  attach  conditions to ou happiness,if such and such happen,I will be happy,this will give your momentary happiness,we would feel happy only when result of our actions is as per our desires.  

For example new car,new house,new relations the list may be endless,so is chase for finding happiness in things and relations.Positive thinking,firm belief in self and our creator, and staying busy in creation  are special ingredients of happiness- everlasting happiness,our face will glow with inner and outer happiness and peace is the outcome.Happiness is a decision to be happy,not arriving at any place or acquiring something and say:great!

Holy books like GITA or Bible  or likewise many others- guiding us to deal with turbulences of life. All holy books insisted on spreading love,humanity,feel more accepted and improving the ranges of feelings and feel good.Feeling good and looking good is inter-related As it is balance of body and mind.

Thoughts travel at the speed of light ,spread positive thoughts to balance the negative ones.Thoughts are subtle like our soul and light,though we can see light with our eyes but thought and souls are invisible.You can interpret like,you have mirrors all around you reflecting what you are,your awareness,your thought process as a whole.Whatever you may say,happiness,god,positivity anything you believe in-all inwardly projection of mind and thoughts.

You are aware or self centred depend up to you,being self centred  you are demanding more and more for yourself.Ignoring totally others needs.You may boost your ego or  use it  to help others. Grow and expand self maturely.Expanding sympathy helps the ego to be aware of its subtle identity with other people and with the universe.expanding ego is suffocating for self as well as for others.When ego discover its reality it merges self with greater power,god.Problem is that most of us do not accept or believe in this reality.Stones and pebbles be round in stream rubbing against one another.SO the pebble of ego get smoother by rubbing against ups and downs,adversities and favours of time,WHERE THERE IS RIGHT ACTION  THERE IS VICTORY.WHAT IS LEARNT MUST BE APPLIED IN PRACTICE.BRIDGE THE GAP BETWEEN INWARD AND OUTWARD REALITIES.

Then you will be eased to be a pebble tossed and tumbled helplesslu down the stream of life because of sheer circumstances.

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