Monday, 13 August 2012


Tpasaya or Tapa is a purification method in which inner heat is generated by friction between mind body and heart.Mind is steering wheel  of body. Well  begin is half better it would be to light a candle than to curse the darken.And it is said that one meets its destiny often on the road he takes,your efforts are little seeds in good soil of  life,as cows are in good grass or friends in your difficult time soothing.Begin you life by taking steering wheel in your own hand,then enjoy your journey,you can listen to music along with driving or talk to someone or enjoy view outside at the same time you are driving,it take a lot of practice.And this practice is Tap,hard work once you master the art, everything would be easy.
Mind is monkey,stop its wondering.  Erase your fears,clear your mind use your prosperity in the service of others,you will stay on vibratory harmony with the- all giving source of everything.World is like your  faith,or where you put your faith,if you seek abundance see the same every where and the world wants you to be successful and abundant, nobody can conspire against you as source is with you. Allowing things to happen and experiencing strong emotions such as bliss and passion. Energy may be low or high but you are at pace supporting your feeling good feelings.Living your life  as it comes to you without complaints is also another form of Tapa. Fasting is another form of Tapa.Cleansing your body's poisons,one may take water or juices-liquids will wash away impurities of body.
Being creative is another form of Tapa,be one with creator forgetting self while creating something-experiencing divine embrace of the creative process,your limited sense of separateness vanishes.  You allow your creative self to flow through your heart and body and intuition.When you do not worry about complexities of life,do not try to grasp everything,stop taking charge of everything. Pure love,is another form of Tapa when you love someone without expecting something in return.Love is purest form of god,since no one has seen god with naked eyes but can experience  his presence in love..You love your mother,father,your children,your friends and so on,love has many forms,but love is same.Love  is like a ladder that helps you to attain higher level of loving  conscious.
We want to be good to others, genuinely good human being,kind and caring to others, and that is a real side of each and every human being.But at the same time we would be some lazy,and would not mind if others would just try to spoil us,we let it be -why,it is other side of us. we are co-creating with nature,with guidance of spiritual power.We are born for that purpose,when we are not in tune with nature then we suffer.When we tend to  ignore- which is incredibly uplifting us and how wonderfully we are contributing to the world,then nature punish us,to get back on right way is hidden message in sufferings.
Tapa is purifying your body,mind and spirit by fasting,concentrating or following any religious ritual to satisfy inner hunger,to renew thought process ,go get new directions towards goals etc. Doing jobs to meet our day to day life needs is not bad,we have to do so to keep going our life.But rest of time should be utilized in recreation.Finding true meaning of calling,finding purpose of life why we are here! All includes in Tapasaya .
Family life is also Tapasaya as you have to forget yourself and busy in meeting the needs of your family members,sacrifice your own desires for your loved ones.Whatever you are doing, imagine you are spreading ,love and only positive energy ,others should be touched with your positive energy,calmness and poise.
If  you are a housewife serve your family members with love,pray for their health and divine blessing.While driving car imagine you are going  to a holy sanctuary where every one who rides with you is in a place of peace and will  have spiritual cleansing .In this way you can spread your love,spirituality and sacredness ,no matter how petty you job may be, there would be a spiritual text in it.Enjoying what you are doing is  also a form of Tapa,because you have conditioned your mind with spirituality and maintained a perfect balance in life.Wher you do not need to renounce the world.Renunciation is of discrimaintion while living in this world enjoying peaks and valley.

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