Sunday, 24 February 2013


The world is full of people with good ideas. Sometimes, though, they float away over the tops of our heads like helium balloons that have broken free of their strings. The bad ideas are easier to get hold of. They hang lower in the sky. Their strings are stickier. We must look at what we are taking hold of! Right now, you need only one thing. You can get it, as long as you know what it is you are looking for. What is this precious commodity? Emotional clarity. Seek it and you'll seize only on the right answers.
 'Like sheaves of corn, love gathers you unto himself. He threshes you to make you naked. He sifts you to free you from your husks. He grinds you to whiteness. He kneads you until you are pliant; And then he assigns you to his sacred fire, that you may become sacred bread for God's sacred feast.' Powerful, intimidating words from the poet, Kahlil Gibran.
 Is this the beginning? Or is it the end? It's a bit of both, in a way. There's both replacement and renewal taking place so put distance between your present and your past. This, though, involves you making some fairly brutal distinctions and blunt choices. These will seem far less sharp and harsh once you have made them - and once it has become clear to you that no harm has come from your courageous decisions.
 Grab hold of a piece of elastic and attach the other end to a fixed, strong point. Now, pull as hard as you can. What will happen? Either the elastic will break, in which case, you will go flying backwards, or you will have to let go, in which case, it will hurtle forwards, creating a dramatic impact as it does. For 'elastic' (IT IS) 'something in your emotional life that's now being stretched much further than it should be.' One way or another, tension is about to cause something to snap. But ultimately,you will win the game of life.
 To function successfully, all committees need a firm chairperson. Right now, it is as if you need to bring an unruly meeting to order. It is taking place deep in your heart, where different voices clamour for attention. Your dreams and desires say one thing; your fears say another. Yet another voice is being almost drowned out by the rest. This is the part of you that knows instinctively what's right. To be fair to yourself, fair to those your love and fair to your chances of creating a better future, you must give all voices a fair hearing. There's something that needs to be sorted out, put right, given the appropriate attention. What will this take? A little bit of time and effort! Look at what you could gain. Think about how much better you will feel once you have done the dreaded deed. Naturally, you are reluctant to focus attention on a particular issue. You rather hope it will go away. It won't, though. It will only go if you get to grips with it and take some control over the matter. You will soon find it ever easier to charm your way into (and out of) delicate situations.
 Many people have lifestyles that are structured and solid. They like everything to be ordered. They like plans and strategies, commitments and categories. They even try to imply that more flexible folk are somehow failures. But there is nothing wrong with your desire to be open and to learn. As for the powerful attraction that you now feel towards a proposition that can't possibly be sensible... well, what's sensible about life itself? Get out on your adventure. Don't talk yourself out of your dream.You don't look as if you are living through tough times. Nor is it noticeable in your attitude. Indeed, if anything, you are giving the impression of a person who has recently become a lot younger. It is as if a weight has been taken off your mind. You are less susceptible to anxiety. You can expect to feel even stronger soon. You have learned one lesson in your emotional life very well, lately. You have seen how important it is to have faith in your own entitlement to a heart full of happiness. Continue to trust this.You need changes and dramas in your emotional life to start unfolding at a slower pace. Even if tension has yet to diminish - and trouble continues to hover over your head, neither need come any closer. A stand-off is taking place. A siege, if you like. But if it is a siege, it is one for which you are well prepared. Meanwhile, Draw confidence from this. Now, imagine yourself in a better position - stronger, more secure and successful. Whatever you can envisage, you can become.
 I've got a letter here for you. Apparently, someone has been trying to get a message through to you for a long time, but they have found you unwilling to listen. Knowing that I have your ear, they have addressed it to me in the hope that I will pass it on. Tell you what, though, I'm not going to! I'm putting it straight in the trash. I figure you are a delicate enough flower. If you are not interested in what someone has to say, there is probably a very good reason. Don't be bamboozled into feeling guilty now but do try to be sensitive.Handle delicate matters wisely,how you already know.True adventurers don't keep pushing themselves ever onwards. They appreciate how important it is to stop and consolidate the gains they have made. Life now provides you with a chance to get your bearings and decide your next few moves. But you don't feel as if this is a particularly good time for that. You are in a hurry. There's a lot that's worrying you. Don't. With the right kind of new plan, you can easily get anywhere you need to be... at a pace that makes perfect sense. So heed your heart and plot your course.Beware 'the solicitor syndrome'.
 Two people go to a lawyer because they need to draw up a contract. The first thing they are told, is that they must each get a legal representative. One person cannot work for both of them. Each advisor then fills their client's head with terrifying ideas about what the future may hold. 'It's all very well now,' says the great professional, 'but what about down the line, what if your would-be partner betrays you?' Suddenly, there is no deal left to do. Don't let enthusiasm turn to fear.

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