Saturday, 9 February 2013

Our ideas alter with the passage of time and the deepening of understanding. We learn, we digest, we grow wiser and more experienced. Yesterday's irritations become today's amusements. The anxious fears of the past become the acceptable realities of the present. Our tastes alter along with our preferences. This is normal. Natural. Healthy. Only retentive people are doggedly consistent. Don't apologise for the change in the way you feel and the way it is affecting your emotional life. Celebrate it.Some days are good; some days are not so good; and some days, well, actually, some days are not so bad as you might fear. The days you are living through now fall into a different category entirely. They have the potential to become the kinds of days that you never forget. You will remember them not because of what went wrong, but because of all that went so wonderfully well. While there is no guarantee of success in everything you do, most of what you attempt will lead to at least some emotional satisfaction soon.
They say you don't know what you are capable of until you try. And if you don't try? You will never find out. But when you are confronted with a challenge in which the stakes are high and the price of failure is daunting, such advice begins to sound empty. Surely, you should put yourself in the hands of the experts and leave unfamiliar territory to explorers who have already passed that way. But, right now, nobody but you can perform a particular role and make a crucial emotional choice. Fear not. You will do it well.You have high hopes and great expectations. Rightly so. Your opportunities are good. You know, though, that before you can start to seize these, you have to resolve something. You are conscious of a difficulty that won't go away. You are tired of the trouble that it keeps causing and you feel inclined to take aggressive action. Take care! You can't sort it out swiftly - and if you try, you will give rise to antagonistic energy that rebounds on you. Develop a patient strategy if you want to succeed. Soon things will get easier.
Miracles happen all the time. When we don't notice them, it is often because they happen slowly. We expect them to be instant. Nature, though, is notorious for taking her time. She is quite happy to allow stalactites centuries to develop. So when she causes a flower to blossom in a few short days, she is actually being rather speedy. We, though, don't have quite as much time as nature. So we get restless and then become unable to see life's gifts. Slow down and wise up for the sake of your heart!The legendary emperor has not gone away. His new clothes are on full public view every day. It's just that, they no longer take the form of garments. Nowadays, you find them in art galleries. Doubtful paintings. On sale for millions. Because someone, somewhere, has declared them priceless. Once an item becomes an investment, it is hard to question its worth. In the realm of emotional investment too, wild assumptions are sometimes made with no regard to merit. Now you're seeing through a facade!  
 Give your energy to the deal that needs negotiating, the plan that needs making or the complicated situation that needs ironing out. Launch yourself with enthusiasm into the most hopeful, positive course of action. Don't persuade yourself that the impossible is somehow feasible. But do feel entitled to treat the current drama in your emotional life as a promise that daunting difficulties can be definitely defeated, as long as you're prepared to put in enough effort. Something is going to give a lot back to you!  The world is full of people who reckon they know. It doesn't matter what the topic is, they've got the final word on it. How long will they keep on bluffing in a tone of voice that sounds like it simply cannot be challenged? Until events suddenly bring total proof that they are clearly talking rot. Even then, if you give them half a chance, they'll keep blustering on. A politician's answer is not what you now need. Somewhere in your world, there's someone willing to be more honest and realistic. Listen to them.   Some people like to do things the hard way. They walk when they could cycle. They cycle when they could drive. They drive when they could take the train. They take the train when they could fly. They fly when they could just decide to not bother even going! There's always an easier option - or at least an option that looks easier on paper. Ease, though, is not the be-all and end-all of existence. What you are reaching for in your love life now involves depth, complexity and quality. That's worth a little effort.Every time you try to catch your confidence, you find yourself fishing in a seemingly empty pool. Or you cast your line and sense a bite, but you just reel in the rusty tin can of an old disappointment or the abandoned boot of nervous fear. You simply cannot afford to be despondent or upset. The task before you requires good judgement, enthusiasm and... well, we're back to that word again, confidence. Coming developments in your emotional life should help to bring back your self-belief with a vengeance.What binds you to an awkward situation? How tight are the knots, how strong are the ropes, how hopeless is your dream of escape? A lot depends on how deeply and sincerely you want your situation to change. Perhaps, despite all that's wrong, a part of you likes the devil it knows. Possibly, in your heart of hearts, you are keeping a connection alive because you fear that without it, you will feel lost. There are issues you need to look at honestly... fairly fast. Deal with them... and you'll move on happily.How has it happened? Which lessons should be learned? It is always tempting, when things don't turn out as expected, to conduct a critical investigation. We want to get to the bottom of it all and make sure that mistakes are not repeated. This idea, though, presupposes a logical universe. It implies that there are rights and wrongs running through this world, like railway lines for the trains of our lives. Maybe the flaw in the plan was to have a plan in the first place. Be spontaneous in your emotional life now. Again beautiful garland of words for all from Jonathan cainer.

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